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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


The Veil-project is one project I love to talk about, having written an article about it on LinkedIn. I will like to share some interesting informations about it also on this platform. Veil coin is integrating a world class anonymity technology into its coin, aiming to be the first and only cryptocurrency to provide an "always on privacy" with no compromise.
Veil coin mostly built around the zerocoin technology with intents to carry out transactions in full confidentiality in which spenders and receivers transactions are obscured in the blockchain. Built with robust security using the bitcoin core security protocol to ensure maximum safety and reduction in cyber theft which has been ravaging the crypto space.

The veil project successfully started without any form of fundraising and is already achieving big feats.
The veil-project can also be a source of income as a result of the proof of stake and proof of work algorithm integration to the system. Interested investors can buy veil and stake in the veil wallet to collect stake payments, good thing is, all these are done with no trace of the transaction in the blockchain. The security and anonymity provided by the veil-project is top notch. The veil-project considered its project as one that will continue to be developed to meet the needs of current demand in the privacy-niche, reason for the creation of the veil lab

The veil lab was established and saddled with the responsibility of testing and implementing newer solutions, call it the research and development centre for veil project, veil lab will help in improving security and full anonymity of the veil coin to meet to future STANDARDS.

The veil project uses the zerocoin protocol to create a zero-knowledge transaction history by destroying a coin and remaking it, the dandelion protocol to mask transaction making it difficult to trace on the blockchain, the bulletproof protocol which aids scalability - this was done to reduce transaction sizes which happens to be one major problem with privacy-focused coins.
Currently running on desktop wallets , which have several signed releases for windows, macos and Linux, veil plans to release wallets for android and ios compatibility. Works are currently on-going for integration into hardware wallets like ledger.

Veil plans to stay at the fore front of the privacy-niche with the aid of the veil lab testing and implenting newer and better solutions. Veils plans to bring in the best, the proof of stake and proof of work algorithm integration allows users to earn passively and anonymously. Veil project came prepared with all tools required to achieve greater success
Follow veil on twitter, Facebook for news and updates

Authored by Tccrypto
Veil address : bv1q84jtcqgzgusrpu7nct6tvwp0n90llcyqlmrh7d

0.035 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2019
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