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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Why will the Copa América be played two years in a row?

Copa America 2020 was assigned this Tuesday to Colombia and Argentina by the Council of the Conmebol. It will be held one year after the one that will be made in the middle of this year in Brazil. The reason is purely organizational Conmebol to align with the Uefa (Europe).

In October of last year, Fifa gave authorization to the South American body to
Copa America will be held in even-numbered years from the 2020 edition. Until now it has been disputed in odd years and now it will continue in 2020, 2024, 2028 and so on. That's why they had to organize a tournament in 2020, the one they gave to Colombia and Argentina.

This was requested by the CONMEBOL so that it can organize the Copa America every four years and coincide with the Eurocup of Nations. in order to reduce the disadvantages that arise in the assignment of players for their selections in these tournaments, which so far do not coincide in dates.

That forced to organize, for the second time in the present century, a continental appointment in consecutive years, after those that were disputed in 2015 in Chile and in 2016 in the United States (the Centennial Cup).

The 2019 will be played between June 14 and July 7 in Brazil with the participation of the ten selections of the Conmebol, plus Japan and Qatar as guests.

The 2020 will be in Colombia and Argentina with 12 selections

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