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6 лет назад



Blockchain innovation has been utilized in various areas of the business going from the monetary administrations segment, to the vitality part, from coordinations to store network the board, from the wellbeing division to the gaming business, and is notwithstanding being utilized in web based betting.

Nonetheless, the part it is planning to change and would like to have the most astounding effect on everyday purchaser and merchant exercises is the internet business industry. The web based business industry has ostensibly changed the manner in which we shop and live, which to numerous individuals has essentially turned out to be one and the equivalent.

The accommodation, reasonableness, and huge swath of items offered by web based business stages demonstrates a portion of the advantages of the web based business industry, yet with the development of the business (a worldwide online retail showcase that is required to outperform $4.5 billion by 2020), substantial web based business organizations like Amazon, Alibaba, EBay and a vast gathering of different organizations which represent over half of that advertise valuation, the issues related with internet business are starting to rise.


Causee.com consolidates an exclusive randomization compensate calculation using blockchain, joining an online business arrangement, social stage and a raising money segment. By joining these characteristics, Causee.com will be the First-To-Market Gamification Shopping Platform Supporting Causes.

CAUSEE's objective is the age of pay through the shopping stage, which thusly gives income to Causee, partners, workers, recipient causes and the networks with which Causee accomplices with. Concentrating on expanding income per share over the long haul. To achieve this, Causee will keep up and develop edges, driven by advancement and administration; while dealing with our task proficiently to incorporate apportioning capital with order and meticulousness; and utilizing associations as an upper hand.

The beginning of Causee depends on a mix of the words Cause + Ecommerce (e).

Causee Vision

CAUSEE's vision through advancement as represented on the authority STEALTHPAPER of CAUSEE, is to reshape the manner in which individuals shop and add to a wide range of causes universally. This thought comprise of changing propensities when making buys and remunerating shoppers for their endeavors. So as to catch the crowd, we have included a diversion part which will start commitment important to begin this propensity change.

Problem solve

Customer buying choices common

Seller edges controlled by charges

Seller chargebacks

Customer KYV (Know Your Vendor)

Buy Protection

Seller Guaranteed Sales

Customer Purchase Discount

The Solution Causee is expedite board

Customers can buy products and ventures without burning through cash

No exchange charges

No chargebacks

All sellers are confirmed and validated

100% Satisfaction and Delivery Guarantee

Just stage to Guarantees a Sale

Open door for limits over 90% for each thing offered available to be purchased

Causee Token Framework

Expelling the eliteness associated with putting resources into inventive open doors is our objective. By democratizing our stage, we open the entryway for financial specialists to take an interest and claim a stake in income created from a first-to-showcase eCommerce gamification shopping stage. Financial specialists can acquire these rights by just utilizing different types of crytpo and fiat cash.

To expel instability, every token conveys a base fixed quarterly dispensing giving income. These parts make the speculation opportunity uncommon with critical potential for upside by holding or exchanging the token.



The Causee Shopping stage plans to disturb the online business scene that has been constrained by a bunch of ground-breaking organizations.

**Impact **

Each exchange underpins a nearby or worldwide reason

Contributing without changing your ordinary shopping endeavors

Capacity to bring issues to light on causes and procure

Begin a gathering pledges activity for another reason you support

Token information

The Causee Token is an open door for financial specialists around the globe to take an interest in the income produced from Causee.com by owning the token. Financial specialists might be required to give extra evidence of residency or different capabilities before or following their buy of the Causee Token.

Token Distribution


Financing Allocation












0.396 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2019
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