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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

I'm @jatinhota, A Crypto & Sports Enthusiast, A Logical Thinker & A Helpful guy From India.

Namaste, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jatin, I'm 24, and I love Sports & Crypto. I have always been interested in art and cultures of different places. My perspective of seeing the world is quite different from others. I see things as they are.

You know, I’m happy to become a part of this amazing community, which is snowballing day by day.

I am a 69 REP user in steemit; I never used any bot for vote buy, cause for me buying a vote is not adding value. I am very active in Scorum, Whaleshares and VIT community. So I consider me as an excellent writer, If you want any content to be written ping me, I will be delighted to make a deal which is for mutual benefit.

Something more about me that a lot of people don't know, except some of my best friends, is that...........I'm a huge animal lover. I've been the same from my childhood days. These beautiful creatures please me a lot. I even cry secretly when I see them being hurt, though I never tell it to anyone.

Thank you for reading my post. Follow me and Be prepared for a new beginning.

0.317 GOLOS
На Golos с February 2019
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