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5 лет назад

Three days in Strasbourg. 10 things to do and see. Part. II (Photos by Sard@rt)

Strasbourg is a city with evident German and French influences because of its history and its border position and, despite being a city with more than 400,000 inhabitants and a fair flow of tourists, it is not a chaotic city and its life seems to flow quietly.
Unfortunately, recent and sad news stories seem to deny my words. But this was the impression I had of this beautiful city; Strasbourg is a city well organized, safe, clean, welcoming and fascinated by its architecture and atmosphere.
But we still see some suggestions of things to do or see if you are spending three days in this beautiful and romantic city.
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Strasbourg Cathedral

"A prodigy of greatness and grace". In this way, Victor Hugo defined the Cathedral of Strasbourg, also called the Cathedral of Our Lady, a masterpiece of late Gothic architecture. Built in the twelfth century in sandstone with a beautiful pink color, this monumental building is truly impressive. It is 142 meters high the height of this monument which, for a long time, was the highest building in the world.
Beautiful interior architecture, with the typical Gothic cross vaults, the slender pillars and the stained glass windows that refer to colored light beams. The exterior is characterized by a rich decorative apparatus where, in the facade, the large rose above the door stands out.
Inside it is kept the famous astronomical clock, a complex and refined mechanism of measurement of time high 18 meters. The current watch was made in the 16th century and replaced the previous astronomical clock of 1350, which was one of the first realized. Every day, timely and impatient, at 12:30 curious tourists attend the magic of its activation .
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Trip to Colmar

If you stay a few days in Strasbourg, you should visit this picturesque center of Alsace. Easily reachable by train from Strasbourg, the town of Colamar is famous for its colorful traditional houses that are arranged along the river. The reflections of the houses on the river contribute to creating a truly evocative overall atmosphere. Colors and lots of flowers for this center which is considered one of the most beautiful in France. Taken by tourists, do not be discouraged. Colmar deserves a day of your time.
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All of the beautiful historical centre of Strasbourg is an ideal place for shopping. Shops of artisanal products and objects much loved by tourists. Among these the fabrics and ...
I report a wonderful Christmas decoration shop located in the characteristic and colorful historical district of Petit Paris., The Santa Claus shop.
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Kammerzell House

In the Cathedral Square you will not miss this very particular and ancient house that dates back to 1427. The first floor was built entirely of stone while the upper floors are made of wood with the typical technique. But it is the particular decorations and sculptures of the beams that deserve our attention. In fact, the zodiacal signs are represented, numerous historical figures but also sacred and profane scenes. The windows characterized by the glass made with the "bottoms" technique are also very particular. A great and beautiful variety for the decoration of this very particular and rich house that, built by a rich cheese merchant, today welcomes a famous hotel and restaurant and is considered the most beautiful Alsatian house.
Included in the list of "1000 places to see in life" prepared by a famous American journalist, is certainly a cult for the city of Strasbourg.

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A beautiful place!

Thanks for your time!

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