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Women Sports in Jordan !!

Jordan is one of the most Arab countries in Asia. It is interested in youth and sports in general and mainly in women sports . This is reflected in the number of sports complexes and cities for females youth, which has positively affected it's participation in many Arab, regional and international championships, especially football and basketball. The most popular sports in Jordan.

The construction of sports cities began in the sixties of the last century. Al Hussein Youth City is the first sports city in the Arab world. It contains many stadiums and gyms, Sports cities in different governors of Jordan to serve all segments and save time and effort on clubs and players rather than to come to the capital, and became a competition in many cities.

Football is considered the first popular game for both men and women , and it receives great attention from various segments of the Jordanian people. The men's international team began their World Cup qualifiers for the 1986 FIFA World Cup Mexico, and since then has maintained its presence in these competitions. His last attempt was the best he has ever made. He has advanced towards the last leg of the qualifiers. South America against Uruguay, where they did not qualify for Uruguay after winning the Jordanian team. On the continental level, Jordan qualified for the Asian Cup on three occasions in 2004 and 2011 and reached the quarter-finals, while its last participation in 2015 was good, as it came out for the first time in the first round. The Jordanian team participated once in the FIFA World Cup, when the youth qualified for the FIFA U-20 World Cup in Canada 2007 and made good performances against Spain, Uruguay and Zambia.

Women's football began officially in 2004. The women's team is a young player who has been playing for many years, gaining experience and participating in many major tournaments, most notably the Asian Cup qualifiers for the World Cup, the Asian Games and the Olympic qualifiers. As the game unfolded, young women under 19, under-17s and under-14s were formed. It also opened several centers for the discovery and adoption of young talents from the ages of 6-14 years.

However, in general, the Jordanian women football team is better and stronger than the men football team, but because of the social life as Muslims and Arabic, the girls will not continue for long time playing football and they will in away or another leave the playing fields for study or marriage so the women team will be always in continuous replacement cycle and inconstant as unstable waves in the girls lives .

Jordanians also practice many other sports such as swimming, basketball, handball, and climbing in Petra mountains.

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На Golos с September 2018
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