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7 лет назад

Photography a story by tech help really amazing

Nature photographer story


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John was a nature photographer who worked for a big news channel! In connection with his work, he used to travel abroad often, wherever there was any news related to Nature, he would immediately reach there.
During a similar project, he was sent to take photos of the fire in the thick forest. It was told that a small plane with two engines would be waiting at the airport! In which he could easily do this job while sitting.


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Upon reaching the airport, he quickly searched the small plane and immediately sat on the seat next to the pilot!
He ordered the pilot "Let's hurry! ............ See how you fly a plane!"
Upon hearing this order the pilot started the plane, when the plane reached the top, John said that take the plane towards the forest. Upon hearing this, the pilot turned the plain of the jungle with a little trouble.


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When the plane started flying over the forest, where a fierce fire was on, John said, "Take the plane down a bit so that I can get some good photographs!"
"But why!" Said the scared pilot
"Why am I being a Nature Photographer, and we have come here for this work!" John said
Hearing this, the pilot was stunned and said, "You are saying that you are ............... .. You are not my Flying Instructor?"

By hurry you can sometimes get too much trouble, it is better to ask than to guess with your mind!

Moral of this story is– Always ask, Never Assume.!

By @techhelp

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