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С уважением, команда “Голос”
7 лет назад

Who knows the birthstone of you, A lot of thought i can not understand


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Who knows the birthstone of you,
A lot of thought I could not understand.
Ever mom becomes my dream,
And never run a daughter!
Ever get older sister, wipe my tears,
Never stigmatize the stubbornness of little!
And sometimes you make my house
All my breath of the breath!
But these are all things to dream about
Secret secret people talk!
The secret is all about me,
Hard cash, but still!
Whether I do not agree with the truth,
But you know, I know this!
Aas no no, yet special
Neha's rain, Neha's thirst!
And really you stay the same
Do not say to me then!
Just occasionally come into my dreams
Come and tell me yours!

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