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6 лет назад

Cotrader Ico Review


CoTrader is a fully decentralized platform which enables users to invest in and manage funds onchain. This platform provides smart funds which are managed by fund managers who trade the fund assets on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). 

Through their DEX exchange tokenization ecosystem they are offering complete transparency in fund investments under the blockchain technology. They are also offering liquidity, asset control, security, privacy and proven ROI.

On providing successful fund managing by fund managers, they get some percent of profits what they made for their investors. Investors have that control on their money where they allow to deposit and withdraw from funds anytime.

               Problem & Solution

The main problem is that investing in cryptos and ICOs can be very complicated and time consuming. Most of the time investors lacking in time to do research properly like where to invest, which ICO is the best one because there are 1000s of cryptos and ongoing ICOs projects which overwhelmed the investors.

CoTrader solves this problem of complexity by providing fund managers to manage investor funds. This platform supports non-tokenized assets by tokenizing entire exchanges at a time which support stocks, cryptos, ICOs and ICOs pre-sale on providing transparency, security and proven ROI under the blockchain.


  1. Smart Funds – It is a core part of this CoTrader platform. This is an investing platform where users can invest by depositing COT token into the fund. Smart Fund is an Ethereum based smart contract system where fund managers, investors and shares that can be traded. Investors who invests in fund is awarded with some number of shares from his total ownership of the fund. A platform where fund manager can trade the assets invested into the fund which makes profit for both – fund manager and investors.
  2. Cryptographic Trader Privacy – CoTrader is providing trade security for fund managers where fund managers can hide their strategies in a short term and display it later. If they reveal their strategies earlier to the public, they may get trouble commanding significant success-fees for public information. Their strategies are being used by others that’s why they must hide their strategies.
  3. Automatic Tokenization for any Trading Platform – In this the investors can trade non-crypto assets by using CoTrader master account. The master account are holding stocks, options and any tradable records under the smart contract based smart escrow system.

             CoTrader tokens and ICO

CoTrader Token (COT) is an Ethereum based token that can be stored in any electronic wallet supporting ERC20 tokens.

  • Ticker name: COT
  • Token standard: ERC20
  • Total Cap: 100 Billion
  • Hard Cap: $10M or 20B (20%) of tokens
  • Main sale price: 1 ETH = 700,000 COT
  • Public pre sale: July 1
  • Public main sale: August 1

                       The Team

Gary Bernstein – CEO & Founder – He’s being into blockchain since 2011. He’s a crypto and ICO investor. Also, he’s having 20 years of experience in software development. Completed his Computer Science from University of California.

Eliezer Steinbock – CTO – Previously worked for Draft Fantasy as a CEO. He’s having experience in both as an entrepreneur and as a full stack blockchain developer. Completed his Computer Science from Hebrew University and served as a developer in the Israeli Defence Forces. 

For more information, please visit links below :

Official Website: https://cotrader.com//
Whitepaper : https://cotrader.com/cotrader-whitepaper-en.pdf
Official Telegram Group Chat : https://t.me/cotrader
Twitter : https://twitter.com/cotrader_com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cotrader 

BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2240571

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