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6 лет назад

Arround ARR ICO: Augmented Reality Advertising Network

About Arround.io

According to the analysts at Juniper Research and Goldman Sachs, the augmented reality market will grow by 20-100 times over the next 5 years. Given the latest technological advancements and major breakthroughs in the development of AR technology, its rapid spread among the consumer market is now anticipated. This breakthrough will become a turning point in the history of mankind. It will disrupt Arround.io day-to-day existence and open up completely new activities and ways to interact with the people and places around a company. Augmented reality will affect the majority of the world’s population and become an integral part of the lives. Scientists at the University of Liverpool claim the whole generation born after 1995 — Generation Z — will already become the first augmented reality generation, for whom AR technology will be as commonplace as smartphones and the Internet are for Arround.io today.

Growth forecasts for the Arround.io market reaching the US $115 billion by 2020 seem entirely realistic. The market capitalization of some newly established companies in the field of AR/VR is already in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Take Magic Leap, for example, the current market leader with a capitalization of US $6 billion. At the first stage of AR market development, the smartphone will be the main device used for interacting with augmented reality. There are currently 2.3 billion smartphone users in the world, which means the already existing number of potential AR users is also verging on this number. Arround.io technology is expected to become one of the cornerstones of the mobile advertising market in the future. It is projected to be worth the US $184 billion in 2018 with a subsequent annual growth of 10% -15%


The advertising market is oversaturated. Traditional media channels are losing their contact with target audiences. The advertising industry needs to open new advertising formats, spaces and methods.There is a lack of truly interesting content to make the users access the system on a daily basis.There is no demand for AR content.


Arround.io augmented reality provides a new digital environment and a new space for advertising and communications, including new branding opportunities. In the real world, there is little room for advertising billboards, but there is more than enough space for that in Arround.io augmented reality. Around will provide the required digital infrastructure that will allow advertisers to address their target audience and create unique advertising messages for each user based on their social and demographic factors, as well as their user profile and interests. A is an Arround public information space that will be gradually filled with content; it is a space where users can communicate, create their own content and share it. Around offers free access to all its features for all users. Arround connect developers with advertisers who are willing to pay for their content. Around residents will have an opportunity to create and monetize their own AR projects using a constructor (similar to WordPress and YouTube). Thanks to ARROUND’s tools, anyone can develop and add their augmented reality object.

Market Trends

Since the introduction of motion tracking technology, AR devices are already able to understand the user’s location and orientation when moving in a 3D plane. Area Learning algorithms use visual cues, allowing the device to recognize the location and correct its movement. Depth perception sensors can “inform” the user about the forms of the surrounding world and build virtual interaction processes based on a cloud of points. Arround.io plan to implement these technologies in the nearest future in the ARROUND platform. In addition, they plan to use markers placed at the premises of partner organizations to increase the speed of the augmented reality layer deployment and improve its positional accuracy.

Platform User’S Benefits

Regular Arreound.io users will get a number of new features, such as. The opportunity to post rounds for everyone, or a certain group of people, such as friends only The chance to easily find useful services located nearby, as well as to look through rounds on a certain street, for example. The user will be able to leave feedback on companies or services provided in the for.m of comments to around or by placing their own round next to it. The possibility to view other users’ opinions on a company or a service in the form of comments to rounds or simply by looking around using the Augmented Reality mode. Bloggers will get an additional platform to promote their blogs, as well as the possibility to post their content in relation to geolocation. Companies and enterprises will have an opportunity to create specialized advertising rounds of larger size and individual design. Such advertising will be as effective as real-world posters or banners, but more cost-effective. Business users will have another platform for SMM campaigns.

Business Model

Any user of the system will have an opportunity to use the features of the ARROUND platform: Long-term rent of AR spaces to receive rewards for ads displayed on them. Sales of content to other users. A billboard in the center of a large city, such as Paris, generates about 50,000 impressions per day and costs about the US $10,000 per month. For comparison, a banner on a website generating 50,000 impressions per day will cost about the US $300 per month. In the ARROUND system, Arround.io will be able to display an AR banner for the US $300 instead of a physical billboard costing the US $10,000. Below are the main parameters of the AROUND business model: The ARROUND platform will earn money by showing ads. Ad prices inside the system will be set in fiat currencies. Payments for ads and purchases inside the system will be made using ARR tokens. Tokens can be bought using both cryptocurrencies and fiat money.  Benefits for users: discounts, bonuses, and rewards for performing tasks from advertisers; token transfers between users.

Token Sale

Token Distribution After ICO


0.130 GOLOS
На Golos с October 2018
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