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6 лет назад

Crypto wine Exchange

When we speak about products that are differentiated on the market, and could be high value, if the quality is high, so the price range can not be narrowed, wine and art could be the first guess. Since real value is dependable on the quality which is subject to expert that could estimate value, there is no price comparison for this kind of products. But, crypto market, or precisely blockchain, allows to have transparent market, where it is possible to distinguish quality based on actual quality and previous values that are defined for the product.
Investment in fine wine is considered as good investment, with low risk and stable performance, since fine wine is one of real assets that does not change value often, and specially, fine wine value does not decrease over time. On the other side, fine wine is providing good return on investment for investors, and outperformers gold, real estate and similar real assets. Specially in the last decade there is a growing demand for fine wine from emerging markets in Asia, but also Russia, that are increasing the fine wine value.
CWEX https://cwinex.io// is an exactly a blockchain based fine wine trading platform, that will connect wine lowers and collectors through blockchain and crypto currencies, without the necessity of border crossing payments. Trading platform will enable traders, private clients, wine funds and crypto coin owners to trade in-between on a global scale. Platform development is in the process, architecture and layout are in the process of planning. This should facilitate procedure for both, wine customer side, but also from wine producer side.
Key principles of operation for wine trading, proposed by CWEX are that swiss part of the company will handle contractual side of the product trading, and Hong Kong based exchange will handle trading side. Buyer will receive blockchain based proof of ownership, or wine certificate that is on blockchain and immutable and transparent. Swiss part of the company will audit wine producers and provide each bottle with certificate of authenticity, so that bottle can be traded on the exchange and trading process will include bid or offer as first step, matching of bids and offers as actual trade, third step is that exchange and swiss company secured the particular bottle that is subject of the trade, blockchain based certificates is then transferred to buyer of the bottle and final step is that bottle ownership certificate can be traded on the exchange.
Whole project is supported by European institutions like CEEV, ASCV from Suisse, Swiss wine trade inspection and vinohub.com platfrom.
During the trading on the exchange, CWEX token will enable holders with discount rate on fees on the exchange. CWEX https://cwinex.io// is based on EOS blockchain, because of strong ecosystem behind the coin, it is free for users and innovations are highly welcomed.
Total token supply is 89 million, with 62% planned for sale. Soft cap of 1 million USD is already reached, and hard cap is foreseen on 10 million. Unsold tokens will be burned, and there is a purchase limit set for personal investors. Sale will last until March, 21.
Project website: https://cwinex.io//
Ann thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5081871.0
Telegram: https://t.me/cwexio
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1573369

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