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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Share your travel, share your experience, share your life or how to save money and find new friends while traveling

Today you can find a lot of travel shows or vlogs of professional travelers. All of them have an incredible popularity, high ratings, millions of views on YouTube. People watch those shows and dream to be at the place of those travelers. But what stops them, why they keep dreaming, not doing. According to statistic, only 20% of Russians travel abroad, in the case of Americans just 5% of them do that.
I always looked at those people who travel all around the world all by themself. And I was a little jealous of them. I wanted to do the same but it scared me. Go somewhere alone, without friends, family or at list support of travel agency. I needed a company but there’ve been so many times when I had nobody to go with and it is never adventure to travel with an agency. So I stayed at home.

Nowadays you can easily solve that problem by using Sharing services. So what the Sharing services are? Basically sharing in traveling means share the cost of renting apartment, car, helicopter or anything else. It’s a good saving of money. But personally, for me, the main advantage of sharing is that you can share your experience, your emotions, your days with other people. You can meet new friends, adherents. You can unite with person or group of people from all over the world. It’s a great opportunity for everyone.

Let’s say you are a young single woman who always wanted to visit Paris, to stay in a small cozy apartment in the center of the city. In the morning to have breakfast in the nearest cafe, drink fragrant coffee with a real French croissant, drink champagne on top of the Eiffel tower, walk through the narrow streets of Montmartre, visit the Moulin Rouge, feel like a real Parisian. Then rent a car and go to the countryside to Versailles. That is a perfect picture but what if she is really scared to travel alone or she cannot afford to make her dream come true (rent a studio apartment in the center of Paris costs about €100 per night and renting a car about €50 per 3 days). But thanks to Sharing services you can not only find a neighbor to share the cost of the apartment or car rental with but also find a friend with whom you can spend an unforgettable weekend.

Or you’re a student who just graduated from university and decided to go to see the world but have not enough money for traveling. So through Sharing services, you can find students like you who want to have an amazing experience before starting a new life. You can split all your expenses and find a great company for your adventures.

Certainly Sharing services is a great platform to save your money. And a lot of people initially use them exclusively for that, but soon you realize that Sharig is something more than just saving your money. Thanks to Sharing, you can meet amazing people, an inexperienced tourist can ally with a professional. If you don’t know how to plan your route than unite with somebody who always carefully plans his vocations. If you don’t know the language of the country you go to you can find somebody who does.

Today Sharing services are developing very quickly. The most well known are AirB&B, BlaBlaCar, Uber etc. All of those services have their own advantages but most of them involve just two sides: owners of goods and people who rent them. So recently new service was created, it called EasyGuide. Thanks to it you can, not just find an apartment to stay, car or boat to rent but you can also connect with other travelers, unite with them, join their route, share all the expenses with them. Besides EasyGuide keeps up to date and use cryptocurrency payments.

The world is a huge and beautiful place and only on your own experience, you can understand that. Don’t be afraid, travel, meet new people, live. Wherever you are in the world, you can find real friends there, get great experience and adventures. So do it right now and share your experience with other people.

author of the article: Natalia Getmanova, copywriter “EasyGuide”

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