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5 лет назад

USDQ - Decentralized Stable Coin

USDQ is a decentralized coin, which uses algorithms to offer higher stability and reliability. Fully connected and monitored by high-speed AI robots, this ecosystem offers a reliable defense against dangerous actions and attacks. First run in the fiat peg line, USDQ was brought by the Platinum Engineering Team, looking to jointly innovative solutions in collateralization, using stabilization mechanisms and prophecies for high-resistance drugs.

What is USDQ and Q DAO?

stablecoin whose team helped develop. Among the biggest benefits, USDQ presents full decentralization and predictability. Soon there will be more stable coins that are fully supported: JPYQ, KRWQ, SGDQ, HKDQ, CNYQ, RUBQ under Q DAO governance. USDQ brings stability, without the need to involve financial inheritance

How do USDQ and Q DAO coins work in the ecosystem?

USDQ is a decentralized coin, which uses algorithms to offer higher stability and reliability. This is supported by Bitcoin (10 other top cryptocurrency will be added in the future). An elegant system places all transactions on the blockchain and empowers users to carry out cross-border transactions and disintermediation anytime and from anywhere. This is pegged to the value of USD, eg 1 USDQ is always equal to 1 USD. The ecosystem design borrows a lot from the fractional banking system. In short, USDQ is a stable coin that faces customers and Q DAO is an internal "operational" coin; together they help create a stable shelter for anyone who wants to hedge against the rampant crypto market volatility.

Introduction to Q DAO and USDQ

There are a number of factors that prevent mass cryptocurrency adoption. The biggest factor is high volatility, seen in crypto. Bitcoin, the oldest and most popular coin, has fluctuated with the price of oscillating between 20,000 and 3,500 in just one year in 2018. No potential adopters, be they traders or individuals, will be happy to suffer the heavy losses that such drastic changes can cause. And this high volatility will be handled by USDQ, providing stability and comfort.

Tether (USDT) is probably the most well-known and widely used coin factor. However, it has been involved in various controversies since the endless beginning for this to be seen. Although this system should guarantee fiat 1-to-1 reserves for all Tether units created, the content of the website has recently been changed to say that publishers not only see cash in banks, but also various loans to other companies, such as reserves. Both the regulator and crypto fans have voiced concern, which might be a bad sign for Tether in the coming months.

USDQ works differently. Here, stablecoin is pegged to the US Dollar and is supported by Bitcoin (+ 10 other cryptocurrency in the future). This is similar to lending operations and the fractional banking system. Overcollateralization is used to reduce the possibility of unexpected changes in asset prices.

The USDQ ecosystem is very transparent because all operations are recorded on the Ethereum blockchain which cannot be changed, open for review by anyone and at any time. Smart contracts bring automation to business processes and eliminate the need for intermediaries to ensure trust and prevent abuse.

The credit in USDQ tokens is issued for a limited term. If the credit lasts, then it is necessary to bring the commission in the governance tokens Q DAO. If the credit is not returned in time, then pledge in cryptocurrency goes to untouchable stabilization fund. In case of elimination process crypto assets of stabilization fund are sold first.

How it Works?

  • USDQ is one of its kind ERC-20 decentralized stable asset
  • 1 USDQ = $1
  • Right now issued 5,531,632.5042 USDQ collateralized by 1,410.582 BTC (200% collateral).
  • KRWQ is one of its kind ERC-20 decentralized stable asset
  • 1 KRWQ = ₩1
  • Right now issued 1,169,653,205.00 KRWQ collateralized by 249.9999 BTC (200% collateral).
  • JPYQ is one of its kind ERC-20 decentralized stable asset
  • 1 JPYQ = ¥1
  • JPYQ is coming soon
  • CNYQ is one of its kind ERC-20 decentralized stable asset
  • 1 CNYQ = ¥1
  • CNYQ is coming soon
  • HKDQ is one of its kind ERC-20 decentralized stable asset
  • 1 HKDQ = HK$1
  • HKDQ is coming soon
  • SGDQ is one of its kind ERC-20 decentralized stable asset
  • 1 SGDQ = S$1
  • SGDQ is coming soon

How The Tokensale Works?

Tokens to sell

  • Distribution of 51% of tokens (509999.49 QDAO tokens).

For how long

  • Distribution will be made in 10 Rounds. Round stast at 1st day every month during 10 month will be distributed 50000 Tokens during each round.

Where to buy

  • QDAO distributes 30% tokens by IEO(all tokens are unlocked) and 70% tokens by OTC desk (tokens will be locked for a certain period of time).

Platinum will be Platinum. Offers worldwide STO/IEO/ICO/POST counseling, advancement and raising money organizations with workplaces in Tokyo, London, Bangkok, Seoul, Singapore, Yangon, Colombo, Phnom Penh, Moscow, Minsk and Kiev. In excess of 200 experts with 3 years involvement in crypto and 7 years in budgetary markets. We have a scope of administrations and mastery in showcasing and PR, the executives, counseling, programming, digital security, training, legitimate direction and then some. We can enable you to make your venture an example of overcoming adversity!

Full cycle operator - Platinum is your one-stop answer for Security Token Offers, post-ICO/STO advertising, and exchanging and Initial Offer (IEO). We are the biggest posting specialist co-op for ICO, STO and IEO ventures. Raising support and financial specialist roadshows. We elevate chosen tasks to our broad worldwide system of private and institutional financial specialists, sort out close to home gatherings, roadshows, and pitching sessions for speculators around the globe.

For more Information :

Website : https://usdq.platinum.fund/
WhitePaper : https://usdq.platinum.fund/whitepaper
Telegram : https://t.me/Platinumq
Twitter : https://twitter.com/FundPlatinum
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FundPlatinum
Bitcointalk ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5139238.0


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