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С уважением, команда “Голос”
8 лет назад

Старые римские и средневековые монеты. PART. 2 Old Roman and medieval coins (part.2)

Hi голос! Here is the second part of my blog about old coin I found.

I can imagine roman soldier went to the potter or barber, walking trough the fields and lost money just for me 2000 years later :))

Let's start with the first one

Période constantinienne, nummus atelier de Trèves type GLORIA EXERCITVS à 2 soldats et une enseigne (constantinian period, nummus from Treves, 2 soldiers and a sign)

one of my favourite, it's as if struck yesterday. I imagine who lost this coin should be sad.

Always from the constantinian period, this is a nummus and it's very very beautiful

A "denier" from Adrien the other face is smooth

And a broken soldier fibula, they used them to hold together toga or clothing

Thank's for watching, if you like follow and upvote :)) see you in the next post.

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