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6 лет назад

Kelta [ICO]

What is Kelta?

Kelta focuses on offering computing power to scientific researchers, scholars, cryptocurrency miners and many others who might need it. Kelta is offering a hassle-free opportunity of using computing power in an existing state-of-the-art data center. The data center built to empower scientific researchers, scholars, and cryptocurrency miners by providing industrial grade computing capabilities at affordable rates. KELTA is a member of the AGEM DATA family, a group of companies specializing in the provision of computing power. AGEM DATA is the owner of the data center building, while KELTA Capital, S.R.O.. is its operator as well as the vendor of the KLT token. KELTA was formed as a substantive entity exclusively for the purpose of the ICO.

The KELTA data center employs total liquid immersion cooling, a highly cost-efficient technology that eliminates moving parts like fans, substantially reducing the amount of energy required to cool IT components. Liquid immersion cooling is carried out by exposing components directly to a dielectric liquid coolant. The coolant utilized by KELTA has a heat capacity 1000 times higher than an equal volume of air. KELTA uses its own, patented, “directed flow” technology, which circulates the fluid through a sealed server chassis. The coolant flows constantly through the system, maintaining optimal stability and reducing the amount of power needed to cool down the components.

Unlike water, the liquid coolant utilized by KELTA does not carry an electrical charge, and is completely safe to be used with any electronic component. Since all components are immersed in fluid, they are isolated from the outside environment. This means that they can be operated anywhere and that their lifespans are extended sub- stantially. As the heat is transferred into a liquid, and not into air, it is easy to transport and to recycle. The KELTA system has no fans, and there are no moving parts within the chassis. The only moving within the KEL- TA data center are the central pumps, with direct the movement of the liquid coolant. These pumps are located in the mechanical room, apart from the rest of the system. The liquid coolant is pumped through the server chassis to remove heat from all its internal components. The heat is then carried out within the liquid. The warm liquid flows to a heat exchanger, where the temperature is reduced. The cooled down liquid is then pumped back through the data center. This actually is quite similar to the central heating system in a private home. The “Cool” liquid that is used by KELTA reaches maximum temperatures of 45 degrees celsius, so the heat exchanger is a simple fan-coil system.

Owners of KLT tokens will have the ability to rent out their tokens and the corresponding computing power to other platform users. The minimum rental period is one month. Token holders who have rented out their token will receive a 6% rental reward per year. This number is subject to change. KELTA token holders choosing to rent out their KLT tokens may rest assured that they will be adequately re- warded. The KELTA company will act as an intermediary in transactions carried out between users. Token distribution will be carried out on a “first comes first served” basis. This means that the earlier you bought your token, the earlier you will receive your token. The earliest tokens will become available to the the earliest token purchasers 7 days after the end of the ICO. As each construction phase of the data center comes to completion, another group of token holders will gain access to their tokens. Until the construction phases are completed, all distributed tokens will be considered rented tokens, and KELTA will provide token holders with a 6% p.a. weekly payment. This payment is guaranteed by KELTA.

Kelta Datacenter:

Project Team:

Token Details:

Kelta ICO funds will be held in escrow, ensuring an additional level of security for funds received during the token sale. Funds will be released from escrow to Kelta as the company moves forward with the plans specified in the roadmap. The KELTA team has determined that the most appropriate means by which to distribute the KLT token is through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Tokens will be available for sale for 64 days, starting March 26th, 2018 and ending May 21st, 2018 During the token sale, there will be a soft cap set at 2,000,000 KLT tokens. The hard cap is 10,000,000 tokens.

Token KLT
Price 1 KLT = 0.00565 ETH
Bonus Available
Platform Ethereum
Accepting ETH
Soft cap 2,000,000 KLT
Hard cap 10,000,000 KLT
Country Slovak Republic
Whitelist/KYC Whitelist


The KELTA data center employs total liquid immersion cooling, a highly cost-efficient technology that eliminates moving parts like fans, substantially reducing the amount of energy required to cool IT components. Liquid immersion cooling is carried out by exposing components directly to a dielectric liquid coolant. The coolant utilized by KELTA has a heat capacity 1000 times higher than an equal volume of air. KELTA uses its own, patented, “directed flow” technology, which circulates the fluid through a sealed server chassis. The coolant flows constantly through the system, maintaining optimal stability and reducing the amount of power needed to cool down the components.

Website: https://kelta.com
Whitepapper: https://kelta.com/preview-file/kelta-whitepaper-ENG.pdf
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GbiywRFFNgDPFBKF-vbhYQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KELTAcom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KELTAcom
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2899199

Profile Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1537991;sa=summary


0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с April 2018
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