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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Hello! Today we will talk about creepids, which appeared a lot.
To date, there are hundreds of cryptomarkets. There are the largest, such as Binance, Bitrix or Polonix. There are smaller ones, such as Kukoin. But now more promising exchanges are being created, and each is trying to introduce its own features. Now there are completely decentralized cryptomarkets, which have many advantages, but they are not without serious flaws.
Now I will consider another promising stock exchange, as well as a comparison with the current ones. It is called ENCRYBIT.

Features ENCRYBIT, and comparing it with other exchanges.

ENCRYBIT positions itself as a "revolutionary cryptocurrency exchange". What is the "revolutionary", see below:
1 - Marketing research. EncryBit presents tools for market research, which include data analytics, their own crypto signals. None of today's exchanges have the ability to receive cryptosignals. Some exchanges are trying to introduce their news feed. Some embedded analytical tools are given, for example, in Binans, but experienced traders use third-party, moreover, paid resources to analyze the market. Therefore, this is the first distinctive feature of EncryBit from other exchanges.
2 - Conducting a transparent policy with regard to access to the stock exchange of new coins, the structure of trading fees, airdrop. Thanks to this, traders will be able to anticipate possible negative and positive situations. If to compare with the current stock exchanges, many large stock exchanges conduct analytics and try to get more reliable coins. But how the coins are chosen, nobody knows. And the smaller stock exchanges do not at all disdain to load any slag into their base.
_ 3 - Modern user interface._
_ 4 - The latest security systems._ EncryBit is being developed to meet modern standards for security systems, such as the 2013 CSS (cybersecurity standard) and the CCSS cryptographic security standard.
5 - Multilingual technical support. Another innovation and a distinctive feature of the existing stock exchanges. Technical support of the current exchanges works only in the "native" language, sometimes even in English. Here at first technical support will also work in English, but over time other languages will be introduced. This will give additional convenience to users, and will eliminate the need to use translators when communicating.

Encrybit Token (ENCX).

As well as on any crypto-exchange, its own cryptocurrency Encrybit Token will operate here. The main purpose of ENCX tokens is to manage transactions at Encrybit, such as exchange between currencies. ENCX will also determine the stock exchange model for trading, listing, coins and various other activities. When using ENCX coins, there will be the following "benefits": a 50% discount on trading fees, 40% of the value of the coin will be charged in ENCX. Each quarter, about ten percent of the exchange profits will be spent on the purchase of ENCX coins for further burning.
Something similar is on other exchanges. For example, on the same Binans there is its Binans Coyne, which also gives a 50% discount and is its asset. Also, they have a system of redemption and burning of coins. Therefore, in this regard, the stock exchange Encrybit almost copies the tactics of other exchanges. And this is good, the system has been worked out and shows positive results.

And now let's summarize. Or why traders and investors should pay attention to Encrybit? As we saw above, there are many necessary tools and options required for each trader or investor. For example, on one exchange there is no option to receive cryptosignals, the presence of analytical tools. Transparent information policy will also attract new users. And multilingual technical support will provide additional convenience for solving controversial issues for residents of different countries. Therefore, Encrybit definitely deserves close attention from crypto traders and investors.

Web-site: https://encrybit.io
Whitepaper: https://encrybit.io/#document
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5059240.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/encrybitofficial/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/enbofficial
Telegramm https://t.me/encrybit

Автор статьи: cieje
BitcoinTalk profile https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=22511

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