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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

🔴Blinked🔴 - mobile advertising

It is difficult to imagine the modern world without social networks. This is a sought-after sphere, which has never lost its relevance. To date, there are a lot of different social networks that allow you to do and say everything that is within the framework of the law. But unfortunately they are not able to digest all the needs of the user, in such cases, specialized social networks that have a certain focus. On one of these networks we will talk with you today - Blinked.

Conception of Blinked

Blinked is the latest social networking platform based on blockchain technology. With the help of the Blinked platform, each user has the opportunity to earn revenue from advertising on social networks. The Blinked platform is managed by a team of qualified professionals that provides users with up to 90 percent of advertising revenue. Your level of earnings will be determined by how busy you are, and the participants will simply share their favorite things, places, services and everything else that delight them. To receive rewards, participants exchange their earnings in Blinked Arc Ode.
Another of the advantages of blocking is the fight against "fakes". The activity of any Blinked user can easily be tracked in the information chain. And, consequently, any cheating, fake accounts that create popularity of each other, the system will automatically delete.
Blinked, as a social network of recommendations, allows users to share experiences in dozens of categories. There is nothing that you would not be able to describe in Blinked.
This is a simple and transparent system and it is also possible thanks to the technology of blockchain. It is useful in this case for advertisers, who can trace the audience of each user within the network with amazing accuracy. And you will not have to spend money on collecting such analysts. All information is already registered inside the chain and it is impossible to forge it.

How does this work?

If at all on simple, imagine that you bought some goods and want to tell about the experience of working with him. You go to the platform, post your honest feedback about the product with all its pluses and minuses. After this, people start to view your post. The more likes, he gets views, the more useful he will be, the more money you will eventually get.

Token and ICO

The platform will have two tokens, namely:

  • BLKD (will be used for financial transactions, such as trading on the stock exchange, etc.)
  • BGZD (will be needed in order to pay for various services within the platform and receive a reward for the work done.

Inside the platform, there will be a free exchange of one currency for another, which is very good.

Source of information

More details about this project can be found on the official website. Where both the road map and the summary of the project essence are presented, and naturally there is whitepaper where you can more deeply and deeply immersed in the essence and concept of this project. Also on the official information channels you can receive all the latest information about the development of this project.

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The project will certainly be in demand on the market, as it will offer many people an additional inflow of money for what they already did before. In addition, everyone will be able to get acquainted with reviews on the product or service that interests a person and at the same time understand that the reviews are honest.

And we were happy to help you today, keep an eye on this project and also keep an eye on updates in our blog, our team is working to ensure that you receive only the most recent and relevant ICO. Also we have telegram channel where you can see the express news, ICO reviews, changes in bounty and much more. All the best to you and see you soon.

Whitepaper: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5aa115bf7e3c3ae292046820/t/5b6ed2ea575d1febd1f16862/1533989631460/BlinkedWhitePaper-FinalAugust2018.pdf
Website: http://www.blinked.live
My BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1930413

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На Golos с July 2018
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