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5 лет назад

CRYPTOPROFILE - Empowering a Blockchain Revolution Towards a Safer and More Secure ICO Ecosystem

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Cryptocurrencies are one of the most important inventions since the inception of the web. They are ushering in a new era of decentralization, privacy, and control of one’s own data that has the potential to revolutionize many parts of society. There are currently over one thousand cryptocurrencies in use, with hundreds more being released each year. Their combined market cap has grown from $10 billion in 2016, to over $400 billion at the time of writing, having previously been much higher.

The anonymity that cryptocurrencies can offer along with the opportunities presented by an unregulated market has given a new platform for fraudsters to find victims. An individual or company can share as little or as much information on their product, venture, design, and technology as they wish when offering tokens for sale.

Many ICO projects offer air drops at a low value to gain awareness in general, and when an ICO is listed on the token exchange, most token holders deem it expedient to sell off their tokens which can negatively affect the token-economy and value of the token. Some airdropped tokens have no real value and no potential for growth. Phishing attacks are also a risk factor when dealing with airdrops.

ICO marketers claim to be experts with no provable credentials and almost always fail to deliver. Only a thoroughly researched decision should be taken while opting for these kinds of services. What our team at CryptoProfile does is connect you and your project with not only the best but the most credible and experienced influencer marketing experts in the crypto space in order to have an authentic marketing campaign that is not just another misleading ICO promotional campaign.

CryptoProfile will be the first line in eliminating scams in the ICO niche in the market by ensuring only viable ICOs are taken in as clients. It also makes it easy to invest in ICOs by simply holding on to the CP token to receive airdrops of the best ICOs in the market.

The main problem that CryptoProfile seeks to solve is the rampant failure of ICO projects in the cryptocurrency industry. CryptoProfile highlight that 90 percent of all the ICOs fail in less than six months. A large proportion of them are scams where people trick investors to finance their ideas only to disappear after the money has been collected. This is one of the most prevalent problems due to the lack of proper regulation in the cryptocurrency industry.

CryptoProfile's main objective of its project is to try to solve the existing attitude to ICOs projects, while protecting investors from potential scams and non-liquid projects.

CryptoProfile provides a solution where investors get access to legitimate ICOs that they can invest in without any fear of being swindled. The firm will conduct thorough due diligence on any ICO projects that want to be listed on its blockchain-based platform. They will then accept them as clients in their ICO marketing service. They will be required to pay $100k in CP token for marketing of the tokens. The CP tokens returned will be locked in a smart contract for six months until the client is listed on an exchange. Ten percent of the ICO’s tokens will be airdropped to investors who will be holding the CP tokens.

Features of the Platform

  • Speed

While it is nothing to write home about, we believe that the 15-second transaction speed is adequate for the type of platform that is being built. The platform will mainly deal with providing airdrops of approved ICOs to token holders. A 15-second delay will not affect that in any way. Therefore, the speed is adequate for the task.

  • Security

Since the platform relies on the Ethereum network, the security protocols are inbuilt into the Ethereum platform. It provides relative protection from hackers and Sybil attacks. Additionally, the encryption provides security and privacy for the platform. It also includes AML and KYC protocols that are becoming an industry standard.

  • Transparency

A trust-less system require transparency to ensure that investors and the ICOs have peace of mind. CryptoProfile has adopted a fully decentralized approach to how the platform runs to ensure that the investors can review the ICOs for themselves and the due diligence reports. This ensures that all stakeholders are comfortable that no issues will affect them.

  • Scalability

The platform can be scaled horizontally by increasing the number of users, and the number of ICOs included without any issues with speed or security. Once the platform becomes large enough, it will create its mainnet. Scalability is also guaranteed by the low latency of the algorithms that have been used.

  • Language used

As an ERC20 coin, it relies on Solidity as the main programming language. It is a JavaScript iteration which makes it easy to work within the future.

Business Model

The platform performs due diligence on ICOs in the market and holds these platforms to a long-term contract by requiring them to acquire CP tokens for at least six months. The aim is to dissuade the pump and dump ICOs. Any ICOs accepted by CryptoProfile will have extensive due diligence research conducted on them to ensure the technical, business and financial aspects are legitimate. Even the founder, team and advisors behind the platform will be investigated to ensure that they are legitimate in their business offering.

CryptoProfile seems to follow the tried and tested approach of creating its blockchain on the ERC20 token. The benefit is that it will rely on Ethereum to provide the security to the platform. This is better than having a mainnet with poor security as the underlying blockchain of the platform.

CryptoProfile Ecosystem

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  • ICO project will buy CP token from the CP token reserve.
  • Token will be locked up in a smart contract for 6 months.
  • An ICO project will have to give 10% of their token to airdrop to CP token holders. (community support)
  • Proof of community on ERC20 blockchain allows CP tokens holder to support ICO projects which is traceable.
  • CP token holders will keep getting vast amounts of airdrop as long the teams keeps bringing in fresh projects.

Why choose CryptoProfile?

CryptoProfile offers a unique opportunity for us as users and future investors. At the same time protecting us from fraudulent ICO, as well as opening access to high-quality and proven projects, the development of which will not only successfully invest their savings, but also guaranteed to increase them.

For the owners of ICO projects, a large number of advantages are also available, thanks to which they get access, not only to the audience ready to invest in the development of their project, but also to the professional quality help of the CryptoProfile team.

Moreover, people who are engaged in the promotion of ICO projects, such as "bounty hunters" will gain a reliable ecosystem, where they will be able to make a guaranteed profit for their actions and no longer worry about their incentives and their liquidity in the market.

Token and ICO Details

CP Token will be released on the basis of Ethereum platform and fully comply with ERC20 standard. Support of this standard guarantees the compatibility of the token with third-party services (wallets, exchanges, listings, etc.), and provides easy integration.

Token Details

  • Coin Name: CryptoProfile Tokens
  • Ticker: CP
  • Coin type: ERC20 token
  • Token Price ICO - 0.10 USD
  • Token Price Pre-Sale - 0.05 USD
  • Total Token Supply - 753,471,015
  • Total Token For Sale - 591,474,747
  • SoftCap: $1,162,556
  • HardCap: $30,463,808
  • Private Sale: 1st November 2018
  • ICO start date: 1st February 2019
  • Presale date: 1st January 2019
  • ICO duration: Until 28 February 2019 or when the hard cap is met
  • Minimum Purchase Pre-Sale - 500 USD
  • Minimum Purchase ICO - 100 USD

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Road Map

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For more information, please visit:

WEBSITE: https://www.cryptoprofile.io
ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5078722
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/cryptoprofile
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CryptoProfile
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/cryptoproglobal
MEDIUM: https://medium.com/cryptoprofile
REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/Cryptoprofile
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/cryptoprofile.io
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cryptoprofile
SLACK: https://cryptoprofile-4g34217.slack.com/

Author: JigaMola
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143

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На Golos с November 2018
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