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5 лет назад

DINNGO - The Best Solution for Digital Currency Exchange

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Cryptocurrencies are one of the most important inventions since the inception of the web. They are ushering in a new era of decentralization, privacy, and control of one’s own data that has the potential to revolutionize many parts of society. There are currently over one thousand cryptocurrencies in use, with hundreds more being released each year. Their combined market cap has grown from $10 billion in 2016, to over $400 billion at the time of writing, having previously been much higher.

The number of cryptocurrencies and exchange platforms are increasing each year. Currently, there are 190 exchanges, compared to 70 exchanges three years ago, on 15 March, 2015. Demand to buy and sell is also growing as the number of cryptocurrencies and trading platforms increase.

There are currently 1,568 different cryptocurrencies available, as at 21 March, 2018. This breaks down to 654 tokens and 914 coins. It all started with bitcoin, which was first released on January 9, 2009, and various versions launched in the following years. The first experiments in altcoins started happening in 2011 with Namecoin, iXcoin, SolidCoin and others being developed and released. Litecoin followed soon after in the same year.

DINNGO is the first exchange to enable simple two-step verification with the mobile device and cold wallet. DINNGO is a hybrid digital currency exchange that utilizes a decentralized approach to enable users the ability to hold their assets individually.

Decentralization is the essence behind blockchain technology. Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed and public digital ledger used to record transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network.

In addition, this mobile digital currency exchange is the future for cryptocurrency exchange which ensures complete security of the client. Improving the exchange system, as well as the formation of unique tools, allows the ecosystem to offer completely new solutions to improve comfort and safety in exchange operations. DINNGO creates quick solutions with a smart transaction negotiation mechanism, allowing users to optimize asset allocation in a safe, convenient and efficient environment.

Cold wallets, additionally referred to as hardware wallets, are small gadgets that every so often hook up with the internet to execute transactions. They are distinctly secure because they typically perform offline. As a end result, they're now not hackable. However, these offline devices presently require a variety of more steps to connect to an exchange.

Why Choose DINNGO?

  • Safety

It can be said that in the digital currency world, centralized platforms have tried to take the role as banks. However, centralized exchanges often become the primary target of hackers. In 2017, there were many exchanges being hacked, which caused massive asset lost. Unfortunately, there is no universal law for cryptocurrency. As a result, users would lose all their money.

Different from all centralized platforms, DINNGO is a hybrid digital currency exchange which utilizes a decentralized approach to enable users the ability to hold their assets individually. Taking advantages of blockchain technology, all the transactions will be recorded and cannot be altered without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the collusion of the network. This type of system is very hard to attack or manipulate, which significantly lowers the risk of being hacked.

Moreover, by offering a medium between offline storage and users via in – depth integration with cold wallets, DINNGO can help to reduce the risk and increase security level of personal digital currency.

  • User experience

Normally, for people using decentralized exchanges, it is not easy to teach them how to keep their assets safely. It often requires complicated connections and settings. Besides, decentralized exchanges will need autonomous matching between buyers and sellers, which takes much time to find a trader agreeing to the transaction condition. It is clear that exchanges on the market share a common dilemma in choosing between security or user experience. However DINNGO can solve this problem by creating an exchange that is neither centralized nor decentralized. Apart from letting their users hold their assets and ensure safety through decentralized approach, they have created deep integration with cold wallet and smart transaction matching engine. Besides, they have also provided a customized trading interface for users often using a centralized design.

  • Customer service

In a survey conducted by DINNGO recently, most users expressed they needed better user experience and customer support. Whenever people submit a service request form, it often takes them a few weeks. Understanding this problem, DINNGO invests more resources in customer service than all its peers to ensure that all users can enjoy the highest quality of service. Moreover, DINNGO team will conduct weekly reviews to examine the quality of their service to make adjustments promptly.

  • Regulatory compliance

Despite the fact that digital exchanges are becoming more and more popular, few companies actively cooperate with local governments to carry out compliance operations. Different from others, DINNGO will begin compliance operations on the first day of opening the exchange as well as actively participate in discussions on regulations and relevant rules. At the same, the team will also focus on relevant information in other countries to protect the rights of DINNGO users across various countries.

  • International market support

Because of globalization, DINNGO’s website interface and customer service staff will be offering in many languages such as English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, etc. Their aim is to prepare all materials in the target language before entering a new market so that their users can use their native language when troubleshooting or finding information.

Features of DINNGO

  • DINNGO Cold Wallet

Strengthen the security of your digital currencies storage and the efficiency of the exchange.

  • Cross-Chain Trading

Support trading tokens between different protocols, which is the key limitation for a decentralized exchange.

  • Smart Matching Engine

Match the supply and demand of digital currencies to process off-chain smart pairing cost-effectively.

  • Customized Interface

Freely design your very own interface at your need.

  • Free From Hacking

No greater single point of failure,the essence of decentralization.

  • Cost Effective

No unnecessary rate wastes on-chain.

  • No More Middle Men

Your own asset is below your personal manipulate.

  • Regulatory Compliance

Compliance is the floor of the platform for lengthy-term carrier.

  • 24/7 Customer Support

Dedicated supporting group is usually ready.

Token and ICO Details

DGO token is a utility token which supports the DINNGO ecosystem. Holders will not only enjoy a 50% discount on transaction fees but receive numerous exclusive benefits.

Token Details

  • Token Name: Dinngo Token
  • Token Symbol: DGO
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Type: ERC-20
  • Token Price: 1 DGO = 0.00047
  • Total Supply: 200,000,000 DGO
  • Available for Sale: 100,000,000 DGO
  • Soft cap: 4,000 ETH
  • Hard cap: 40,000 ETH
  • ICO accepted currency: BTC (private sale), ETH (public sale + private sale)
  • Minimum/maximum purchase limit: 0.1 ETH/no limit

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Road Map

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For more information, please visit:

Website : https://dinngo.co/
Whitepaper : https://about.dinngo.co/whitepaper
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4948105.0
Telegram : https://t.me/DINNGO
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dinngohq
Twitter : https://twitter.com/dinngohq
Medium : https://medium.com/dinngo-exchange
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/dinngo/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DINNGO/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb3O5Ek9JGd2v9kWp08c1xQ

Author: JigaMola
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1847143
Ethereum Address: 0x964c905b602f3dcff74c20525184fa87021c17a9

0.096 GOLOS
На Golos с November 2018
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