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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


There has always been the Financial industry at place ever since money was invented. This field encompasses most of anything that you'd financial using anything involving money or anything that brings about monetary gains.

There has been a sudden interest in Investing and Stocks all our the world in the recent times and the term has now become a household know. The common man wants a piece of the action and we see the generation that was scared to invest a few years ago are dabbling in Mutual Funds and so on and so forth.

There are lots of methods that are available for people to invest in and they can be classified based on the Risk-Reward factor that they offer. While Venture Capitalism is considered to be a high Risk- High Reward category because if the company or start-up really hits it off, then you could at least see to it that you get double of what you had invested. But it's also really risky in the fact that you'd lose most of what you invested with no way to salvage from it.

There are also many low-risk moderate-reward investments out there and there are a certain audience for that too. But all this has been done manually and physically. Even with the advent of computers, many still go about doing their banking and financial transactions physically, using paper and ink methods, which are way too cumbersome.

They require you to spend a lot of time in the process of getting something done, requires a lot of manpower in the company's side for the verification and execution of the task. This is too slow and does not let you make investments of certain type all together at times and you can never transact at a rate compared to when using a computing service to do the same stuff. With the use of computers there has been a lot of advancement in the field of banking and trading in the recent years. It has made it easier for us to do anything financial and with the rising user base of mobile phones, it has never been more easier. But this meant that each player in the field had their own platform, making it really disorganised and not interoperable amongst other platforms.

HyperQuant Platform
They plan to solve the above mentioned problems by implementing AI and Blockchain Technology into the Fintech field. With the AI, they plan on reducing the risks and AI curates a lot of data for analysis. This makes anyone with basic knowledge of Financial systems to easily do the same things that were previously out of their reach or required a separate person to maintain.

With the implementation of Blockchain, they plan on making the system a lot more interoperable and standardised. This also increase the security and transparency drastically, making it more safe and trustworthy for many.

ICO & Team
They plan on powering their platform using the HyperQuant (HQT) Token which is based upon Ethereum's ERC-20 Token. They have concluded their Private Sale and their Public ICO Pre-Sale is currently in progress and they plan on holding their Main-Sale in July, 2018. It requires for you to be Registered, Whitelisted and KYC Verified in order to participate in the ICO.

The Founders have previously worked for second largest stock exchange and the largest IT company in Russia respectively. The rest of the team has adequate experience in product development, Big Data, Machine Learning, Programming, Investing, Marketing, AI, Blockchain, Legal, Stack Dev, Front-end Dev, Back-end Dev and HR respectively. The advisory board consists of experienced Investors, Entrepreneurs who also bring along their expertise in fields of Blockchain, Big Data and Marketing.

Even though there are a lot of players in the crypto and traditional Fintech market, they excel at the fact that they are offering a lot of features and the advance services and efficiency that AI and Blockchain integration brings to the table.

They seem to have a diverse team with good backing and support. Although they seem to help reduce the volatility and risks via their AI, it remains to be seen if it is a viable option in the long run or in reality for that matter.

Otherwise, they have lot of things going for them and they just have to deliver on their promise to gain enough traction to become a dominant player.

Website -- https://hyperquant.net/en

Whitepaper - https://hyperquant.net/en

ANN - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2104362.0

Telegram - https://t.me/hyperquant


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