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Hello to all my subscribers, potential investors and friends. Let's talk about successful investing today. H is necessary for this, and how to choose a project. Drife is a decentralized platform for Cycling working on the blockchain with the goal of empowering drivers and passengers.

Drife's mission is to apply blockchain technology to the local transportation industry to establish trust and combat current inefficiencies. It's a great blockchain app because of the security of cryptographic solutions, the tokenization model, and transparency. Currently, the platform for the passage under a hail of largely centralized, and the current officers have established dominance in the market, which allows them to quickly raise tariffs for passengers and include excessive charges for transactions for drivers. Drife wants to use blockchain to address these issues and redistribute value to the community while increasing transparency. In particular, there is no Commission on this platform, because 100 percent of the fare paid by passengers will be transferred to drivers. We really like that Drife is the first platform in this niche aimed at a decentralized economy. The platform itself will be developed on the EOS blockchain, and although it will not work until the second quarter of 2019, there is a working demo version of the platform. One area we would like to improve is the size of the team. A group of 12 people, although trustworthy, lists only three developers. However, there are six consultants in the project, one of whom is the CEO of Xera Technologie. The project also lists some partners, one of which is EOS, but we would like to see additional partnerships that will help drive user adoption.
The DRIFE token is a basic service token in which passengers can receive a bonus if they pay for travel using the DRIFE token or to refer others to the platform. The biggest advantage is that the Drife platform has the runtime advantage for a very strong blockchain use case. We like that the platform will directly solve the problem of unstable driver earnings while improving the quality of travel for passengers. We offer drife team to expand its presence through additional marketing efforts and expand strategic partnership. Overall, this is a very impressive project with application in the real world!

Drife is committed to solving the most pressing problems faced today by stakeholders involved in the race. Some of these problems include centralization, unstable driver income, lack of transparency, rising prices and lack of loyalty on the part of passengers. It is well known that drivers of companies that share trips receive a short end of the stick and often receive a minimum wage, almost without informing the governing body. This business model has broken the link between drivers and companies that Drife will use to its advantage to improve drivers ' experience.
Customer / customer / segment / vertical orientation: Drife wants to target the car sharing market and in particular the drivers who are currently operating in the specified market. Drivers who feel most neglected, underrepresented and underpaid will find that Drife offers a more compelling experience than existing competitions.
Value creation: Drife wants to create the highest possible value for drivers. After joining the Drife DAPP, drivers will have a more stable and sustainable income, without commissions, building a network and generating passive income. The main principles that Drife wants to expand are transparency and decentralization. Drivers suffer most from a lack of transparency in the car-sharing market and also deal with a strong centralized authority. A transparent, decentralized platform will provide a more honest and fruitful experience for all participants.

The obvious competition comes from Uber and Lyft, the two most dominant platforms for Cycling. Having said that, many other companies are trying to penetrate this market such as Waze and last mile transportation services such as Lime and Bird. Drife has the most obvious competitive advantage in its Commission-free policy, which guarantees drivers 100% of the fare, not a percentage that can fluctuate over time. Having said that, getting people to choose a different mode of transport on the suburban side of things will probably require a lot of marketing and, most importantly, time.

The current estimate of the Cycling market is about 36 billion us dollars. Analysts predict that by 2030 this amount will be approximately 285 billion us dollars. The revenue forecast for platforms with common use of it is also likely that by 2022 will exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars. The future of transportation is for equity, but now the two hippos in Uber and Elevator have full control of the market.

The biggest problem of normative character are linked with normative mandates of the cryptocurrency. Drife will also have to enforce the rules that protect customer data, such as the GDPR.

The cost of the DRF token strongly depends on the number of users who actively order rides on the platform and use DRF as the main form of payment. Because the platform may use other forms of payment, such as Fiat and other cryptographic tools, Drife has developed a way to encourage the use of DRF. The platform offers discounts, loyalty programs and other "bonuses" for using DRF as a form of payment on the platform. Having said that, increasing the user base can increase the value of the coin exponentially as users find the benefits of using it on the platform.

Disclosure: at the Drife is there an easy web site, excellent technical document and a well-organized lightweight paper. It has definitely covered its basics in terms of documents, and each one contains relevant information that investors crave when making decisions about potential investments. The only glaring hole in its openings is the lack of MVP, but it plans to use the funds before the ICO to develop the MVP and possibly complete it before the end of the main sale.

Drife has a strong team of 12 people with six additional advisors. CEO and co-founder Firdosh Sheikh has leading industry experience in capital markets and information technology, and her partner Surya Ranjit has previously worked in the management of hedge funds. The Executive team works in Finance, while the rest of the team supports product development and marketing. One of the issues of concern is the lack of experience with blockchains in the core team. It seems that Drif will try to close this hole, using the knowledge of his talented Advisory group.

Drife has not yet released MVP as all funds contributed during the pre-sale will be used to develop, test and release the product with minimum viability. The team expects phase 1 Drife to follow quickly after the MVP in the second quarter of 2019. Having said that, Drife has an interactive UI / UX interface where you can view the app as if it were downloaded to your laptop.
The Drife token, DRF, is a service token that will also function as a currency on the platform. It will be used to perform fare payments, access loyalty rewards and betting features on the platform. Drife wants to create a community for those who download and join its decentralized application. Bonus points and loyalty programs play a huge role in the project, and the DRF token is at the center of it all. Finally, users who pay with DRF will receive discounts on every single trip they book.
The DRF token allows the Drife platform to operate in a decentralized manner, which is one of the competitive advantages of Drife compared to the existing competition. The objective of decentralization is to shift the focus from a Central authority to drivers, most of whom currently receive little or no benefits in the form of fair compensation, employee benefits and active transparency from existing companies that share travel.

Drife is a fully decentralized platform for Cycling, running on the blockchain.
Token supply: 325 million DRF tokens will be issued on the first day of product release. After that, additional tokens will be generated deterministically and democratically after each period. Thus, it is not a fixed token supply, indicating a possible dilution in the future.
User acceptance: 2.5

Drife lists EOS, 21 Cryptos and ADVFN as its official partners. Clearly, EOS will support Drife through its scalable block chain, but 21 Cryptos and ADVFN WILL not have the same direct impact, nor will they add a recognizable brand to the project.

Detailed information:
Website: https://www.drife.one/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5076512
White paper: https://www.drife.one/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Drife-Lightpaper.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Drife_official
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drife.official
Telegram: https://t.me/Drife_officialchat




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