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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Welcome my dear friends. Let's look at the new exchange. In connection with razvitiem cryptocurrency exchange become very relevant. And every day there are many exchanges. This is the first regulated exchange.BUT let's take a closer look at it. East Timor is one of the countries that needs many changes. After almost 16 years of independence from the people of Timor-Leste, there have been so many positive expectations for improvements in various infrastructure and economies. Various economic problems, such as high poverty, high fertility and population growth, lack of employment and low levels of public education, affected Timor-Leste in the early period of Timor-Leste's birth.

A new transformation is needed to correct the step-by-step economy in East Timor.
Technology is an easy way to help the economy and finances of the people of East Timor.
Blockchain technology is a reassessment of the modern digital world. Blockchain technology has created a storm in the modern digital world in almost every industry since 2009, when it was invented. When it comes to the digital register system, the technology is used for cryptography. The nature of blockchain technology makes us think about today, because blockchain is an encrypted database that is distributed across the register, decentralized and impenetrable. Since his invention, he has used it to transform businesses in virtually every industry - from government, Finance, healthcare to smart cities.

Invech Group is here to bring order to the economy so that Timor-Leste becomes a smart city by adopting Blockchain technology.
INVECH Group is a partnership created by an extensive group of companies and experts from Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia and East Timor. We have experience in raw materials production, logistics, industrial development, renewable energy development, tourism, healthcare, banking and Finance, oil and gas, real estate, education and information technology.
The democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, or East Timor in English, is the 1st New Sovereign State of the 21st century. It is located in Southeast Asia with a population of about 1.3 million people. Sharing borders with Indonesia, the sovereign state includes the Eastern half of the island of Timor and several other nearby Islands. The country regained its sovereignty in 2002 after the Indonesian occupation. Many years of struggle for independence of Timor Leste vs Indonesia caused damage to a significant part of its economic infrastructure, turning it into the poorest country in Asia.
Today, they are still restoring and correcting the hardships before independence. And Invech hoped that the people of Timor-Leste will become a channel for the improvement and transformation of the status of the economy. Thus, the creation of a sustainable economy, and at the same time technically savvy and advanced, blockchain nation.
Invech Cryptocurrency exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange led by Invech Group.
Token platform IV work in Ethereum. Invech Group is licensed and approved by the government of Timor-Leste to conduct and regulate operations related to blockchain and cryptocurrency, such as exchange, mining, consulting and others. We strive to make Timor-Leste the world's first smart blockchain city and ensure development in the post-war country.
We have our own invech Coins or IV platform tokens that run on the ERC20 platform.
Advantages of this company:
To enter an alternate currency through the creation of Invech Token
Attracting foreign direct investment and reducing unemployment
Crowdfunding regulation through controlled processes
Make full use of tourism and agriculture in East Timor
Improving the human capital and capacity of the local population of East Timor
Advising and advising the government on issues related to blockchain and technologies.
Provide education and training to improve livelihoods

Use Invech Coin (IV) will be extensive. Starting from the usual trade in goods and services, ending with the payment of wages and taxes, and even money transfers and e-Commerce. Below is a table of the intended use of cryptocurrency at the national level.
With Invech Coin (IV) we can track, influence, manage and easily obtain big data that will be badly needed in the future after big data analysis and statistics.
The investment risk is low because Invech is a body that already has a license that has been trusted by the East Timorese government which will regulate and conduct business related to cryptocurrency.
About INVECH Tokens

Type: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum
Minimum investment: $ 10 USD
Softcap: $ 24,000,000 USD
Hardcap: $ 60,000,000 USD
Sales Tokens: 175,000,000 Tokens IV
ICO Price: $ 0.4 USD
ICO Distribution: 35%
BONUS Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), Discounts are included in the price

  • IEO Phase 1: $ 0.32 USD = 20%
  • IEO Phase 2: $ 0.36 USD = 10%
    Use of IV outside the stock exchange will begin in 1 year since the online Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange.

Detailed information:
Site: https://invech.io/
Token sale: https://tokensale.invech.io/
White paper: https://tokensale.invech.io/documents/ieo-whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InvechExchange
Twitter: https://twitter.com/invechexchange
Telegram: https://t.me/InvechOfficial
The theme of ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5052844.0


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