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5 лет назад


Welcom to my Blogs! With this article, i will review to you a great project called Cartesi - A LINUX INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SCALABLE DAPPS!
Cartesi is an infrastructure layer for achieving consensus over real world computations running off-chain.
As you probably know, since 2017, many development projects are based on blockchain technology. So, what is blockchain technology?
Blockchain technology is most simply defined as a decentralized, distributed ledger that records the provenance of a digital asset. Our guide will walk you through what it is, how it's used and its history.

  • Digital assets are distributed instead of copied or transferred.
  • The asset is decentralized, allowing full real-time access.
  • A transparent ledger of changes preserves integrity of the document, which creates trust in the asset.
    Because of the outstanding advantages that Blockchain brings, many projects have evolved beyond our imagination. For example, EOS, XLM, BNB or other currencies, ....
    However, Blockchains Need the Real World! There are still many difficult and limited issues in blockchain technology. Intensive computations are impractical inside the blockchain.
  • SLOW

Knowing these issues, Cartesi was created, and it is the project that will be covered in this article. Welcome to Cartesi - A Linux infrastructure for scalable decentralized applications.
Cartesi is an off-chain decentralized computation platform. Cartesi is unique in the sense that it allows decentralized applications to be run on Linux in a way that's verifiable by the blockchain. Complex processing can be executed off-chain free from blockchains' computational limits and corresponding fees. By offering a Linux runtime environment, Cartesi is the only software-based verifiable off-chain compute system that gives developers a vast array of software that evolved in the last 30 years and that enable the applications we use on the Internet today.

Cartesi can:

  • Complete generality for developers.
  • Intensive computations performed off-chain.
  • Consensus efficiently reached on-chain.

Why need Cartesi?

  • A Real OS. Intensive Computation
    Cartesi offers a Linux runtime environment for blockchain DApps. Complex computations run off-chain while retaining the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain.
  • Guaranteed Consensus.
    Computations can be verified by all parties involved in the App. Disputes are settled automatically by Cartesi. This requires negligible computation inside the blockchain, regardless of the size of the external computation.
  • Ease of Development and Portability.
    With Cartesi, developers use familiar and powerful software components supported by Linux to create their DApps. They are free from the hassle of limited domain-specific blockchain environments. Mainstream developers can fully express themselves building Apps with the software stacks they are already familiar with. Cartesi DApps will be portable across the most relevant blockchains, so developers won’t need to worry about the longevity of specific blockchain projects.

The Cartesi Team
Conclusion: This is a good project and strong interest from the community. Take a moment of your time and pay attention to this wonderful project. A well-organized team that is able to implement the conceived. I like their approach, I'm sure they gonna make some great results in cryptoworld.

Website: https://cartesi.io/
Whitepaper: https://cartesi.io/cartesi_whitepaper.pdf

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