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6 лет назад

Cryptonia ICO

Many who wants to play Poker in on-line don't do it and to it there is an explanation. Problems which exist in this branch make a game absolutely inconvenient and much less profitable occupation in comparison with a game in reality. It is possible to cope with these problems by means of the Blockchain technology. The Cryptonia team just deals with this issue. About ICO of this project now we will also talk.

Problem hazardous online of games

More than $50 billion – such is the modern market of gamblings online. One of his biggest shares belongs to gambling Poker. Literally this market overflowed with competitors is full also of problems which push away potential players. What it is problems:

the commissions on withdrawal of funds. It is a problem it is relevant in general for the fiatny world. But so far as concerns blood won, the bolshsha doesn't want to give 10-20% much. It isn't in life. In Poker nobody pays anybody – there has to be an interest only in a game;

dullness poker rooms. So call property of the game room when it is impossible to control directly process of a game, as in reality. The probability remains that organizers can deceive participants of a game having garbled or having replaced cards. It isn't obligatory that it is done by all but nobody can give guarantees. The feeling remains that someone another from above directs process but only not players. And has to be on the contrary.

Solutions of Cryptonia Poker

Cryptonia Poker is a platform for a transparent game in Poker by means of the Blockchain. All secret in a CPC platform token. It serves also as currency of financial means in system and the smart contract. All distributions and the courses register in Ethereum Blockchain. Therefore it is impossible neither to swindle in a game nor to garble distribution.

In poker-rume the anonymity remains that too is very important. Players can't purposefully recognize each other persons. It is necessary to enjoy clear game.

Cryptonia already have mobile applications on iOS and Android which it is already possible to download and use.

Also Cryptonia has published the smart contract. All can get acquainted with him on GitHub or participate in development.

About the Cryptonia team

The command of the project is also submitted by strong representatives of various spheres necessary for implementation of the project. In particular in the game industry in Poker.

ICO Cryptonia details

Token name: CPC

Smart contract: Ethereum (ERC-20)

Semitirovanno of tokens: 1 billion.

ICO start: April 10, 2018

ICO end: July 01, 2018

Software cap: $15M (is built)

Hard cap: of $45M

Price: 1 ETH = 11000 CPC

Investments are accepted in: BTC and ETH

Conclusion about the Cryptonia project

The beautiful idea, the large market, the structured project collected by Soft cap, existence in the team of profile experts – all this big pluses in a Cryptonia project moneybox.

 IСO [10 April, 2018 - 01 Jul, 2018]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoniaPoker
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cryptoniapoker
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptoniapoker
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMBGHOqo2a0
Whitepaper: http://www.cryptonia.poker/public/content/Cryptonia_White_Paper.pdf
Website: http://www.cryptonia.poker 

Proof of authentication / author 

Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1058023

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