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6 лет назад

Some Neat Tripping Thought On The Cultural Dystopia

Then I trip out again typing into a t.v. screen. That's what this techNOlogy seems like to me. T.V. is an evil apparatus. I think of Mom watching horrible soap operas on t.v. in the 80's when she was zoomered, then later in life she is watching the same shows again! Gives an uneasy feeling. Don't let the habits and entertainments take place of real human interaction and recreation!!

A friend told me of a strange documentary on youtube that was called something like doom generation. The internet can be a paranoid freak scene! Sometimes you can get more out of the more culturally paranoid schizoid parts of the culture. Conspiracies are a good bet to find the underlying psychosis of an over domesticated consumerist mass. Then you read some real news, you could read into to go with it, for real life context. You can read in the papers the epidemic of mental illness and drug abuse in youth. Then you read articles of these young men getting shot by police because the cops have no real mental health emergency protocols as part of their training. The systems in play straggle on...

So this doom generation conspiracy video is one of those with the corny computer voice narration. You find that in allot of Anonymous videos. The corny as hell approach gives insight into mass psychology of the paranoid notions. Could it feel like being attacked by all sides. The video says kids got depressed in 1984, started wearing skanky clothing and not caring about themselves. LOL I know that kinda depressed down and out vibe is a few hundred years older than 1984. There were disaffected youth in the times of Ancient Greece as you can glean from their texts. The truth is yes many people go on a suicide trip that is hazed and promoted by so called friends, really they're being fiends.

Gotta get back to R Way

The culture reinforces that!! A feeling of hopelessness like who cares, giving up. Act like you don't care about life or death, nihilism and pessimism. It does seem ramped up lately! At the same time I experienced that with my mom and her schizophrenia, in some episodes it was giving up, not wanting to get out of bed for her, neglect of self. Even her delusional seeming notions seemed like excuses not have to deal with a problem. Being paranoid and freaked used as a way of opting out in a certain way. There may not be much to be happy about yet using the gloom and doom of culture to do what ever you think you want isn't a rebel against the culture, has a tendency to reinforce it. At the same time being freaked out can be better than being calm. At least you know something is not right. In other words you are feeling this right, there is nothing wrong with you! That's why it is brutal to see people without help give in needlessly and too easily much of the time it seems. A infantile paternalist culture persists, all full of punishment mixed with self deprecation. A father of oneself power trip beating to infinity. Also give people a chance, many people do change, they are not alone in being alone so in a way none of us are alone. No one need be deemed hopeless, culturally biased terminology can be much to get through, excoriate the pejorative.

So then I found out Doom Generation is a movie with Rose McGowan in it when she was 16 from the 90's!! Has Nine Inch Nails and Aphex Twin in the soundtrack. I should watch it. Then after that I realized I have been wearing the DOOM shirt all day from the video game of DOOM. Hmmm, maybe I should play that. But yea it's true that I get sick and sad from the downer vibes around but I don't want to let it get me!! I won't be hazed into giving up. However just like everyone else I picked up some of the cultures bad habits. I call getting through that cartoon detox time. When you learn more history while understanding what makes the culture tick and at the same time understand your own psychology knowing with more understanding that you reacted a certain way in the past that you don't need to act like that now with new information, then certain attachments or ways of relating can change or fall away. The world is a dynamic, we are not to be boxed in by mere opinion or technological gizmos.

Who knows what I'll have to think about a blog post. It's more going through some motions, notions, not a final product, practice, an abstract. I feel I change day to day, think different ways about what I've been thinking about. Takes time to learn how to talk or explain what's on the mind. Still can be up to me to try and try some more. Can we get to the communication without the possibility of misunderstanding or missed understanding? I think I will get back to some of these topics. When I'm ready to write a good story or lyric or whatever I will want to say it a certain way. I'm grateful to have here to practice and not worry so much about what I'm saying or trying to say.

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