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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

The fastest and safest Decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges in the world ( ICO )

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges have gathered a huge measure of consideration in the crypto network, or as we like to call it CRYPTOSPHERE. Our team has been working steadily to develop a strong and ready to-scale decentralized digital currency exchange solutions customized to suit the prerequisites of cryptocurrency dealers and even the general crypto fans. We have even developed a white-marked cryptocurrency exchange solutions (Centralized/Decentralized) that has been commended by a great deal of specialists.

With each currency comes a need to exchange it. Regardless of whether it be for profit or for getting some other helpful money, exchanging has dependably been related with currencies and is more generally called by the concept known as forex (foreign exchange).

Because of the geographical limitations of currency, the term foreign exchange has been instituted to refer to every single aspect of currency exchanging. Bitcoin, and all other digital forms of money, obviously, are not exempted from the idea. Exchanging happens here as well, in spite of the fact that the way and the procedures are totally extraordinary.

Understanding the essential of exchanging, as well, will assist one with understanding how digital currencies exchanges work do. Exchanging can likewise happen among fiat and cryptocurrency, that isn't an issue. Be that as it may, the very idea of cryptocurrencies requests an extraordinary platform to exchange them.

When you comprehend the idea of asset-digitization and how the cryptocurrencies are getting significant, understanding the working of a digital currency exchange will be your cup of tea.

Enter cryptocurrencyexchanges.

What is saturn?

Saturn is an exchange which is a mutual benefit of comfort and security, exchanging these particles specifically from crypto assets and giving assurances to third parties.

Saturn was developed with the objective of creating another market atmosphere that is liquidity and ensures its security on the table.

Saturn is an Exchange trading Platform and OTC assigned Cryptocurrency which remains on the cross chain protocol. Our Saturn team has plans to offers P2P exchange services to merchants, investors, organizations and brokers.

Saturn Network is a decentralized DAO exchange that is great with all EVM blockchains. Our main goal is to make an increasingly pleasant future for cryptocurrency exchanging, where each intermediary can understand that he is working at an equivalent platform. Where an excellent deal of market data cannot be improved and records cannot be suspended.

Each exchange is made totally on-chain and each exchange is documented on the blockchain, however don't confide in us: how about we explore the evidence of our thought. Radex zero decentralized exchange costs for exchanging ethereum tokens.

In this way, we are going to make an entire and long haul organic decentralization exchange system towards the clear objective of cross-chain decentralized exchange. We developed DAO which enables you to end the fundamental part of the gathering, and you will have the ability to vote on the primary decisions, for example, adding new tokens to the Saturn Protocol. To increase or reduce exchange expenses to guarantee we stay aggressive. Or then again even pay benefits to SATURN holders.

Saturn's advantages

The Swap Protocol is just made to progress iotas with commissions just blockchain exchanges. All things been equal, you will discover distinctive services on Saturn, where there will be extra commissions, which reaches 0.2% for each transit transaction, 0.5 - 5% for each free transaction and 1 - 5% available to be purchased exchanges. The last provisions of this commission will be approved upon endorsement and the arrival of Saturn. Likewise, Saturn will give two bearings to a few autonomous assets. This can give benefits as price spreads.

Features of the Saturn Black project

• Exchange crosswise over OTC chains
• OTC auction
• Exchange of atomic exchange
• Transactions with EURO and USD

XSAT tokens are tokens that can assume an essential role in Saturn designated to Saturn's system and plan of action. While the task of the Saturn Team itself is to probably accomplish liquidity tokens, and use tokens as payment instruments that can be utilized to purchase products.

This XSAT will likewise be utilized as quotation assets on the accompanying Saturn services: exchange and counter, auction and escrow exchanges.

Token Information
Token: XSAT
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC-20
Cost in ICO: 0.1300 USD
Tokens available for sale: 750,000,000

Investment Information
Accepting: ETH
Distributed in ICO 75%
Hard cap: 97,500,000 USD

Escrow in December 2018
Saturn, a safe exchanges between proprietors of crypto assets, with the assurance of third parties, a direct exchange protocol.

OTC crosschain exchanging December, 2018

Selling and purchasing hug amount of crypto asset isn't an issue any longer. Secure over-the-counter exchanges by means of the atomic exchange protocol are important for high-sum holders of crypto asset, early investors and individuals from blockchain start-up teams.

OTC auction in 3Q, 2019
Purchasing and selling a lot of crypto asset at the best price offered. Security of exchanges, setting of conditions for the request satisfaction and low commissions will make finding the vender or purchaser increasingly accessible and safer.

Exchange of atomic transactions in 4Q, 2019
Saturn releases P2P exchanging based on the Swap protocol. Saturn, extra liquidity for crypto asset, secure cross-chain exchange and an advantageous interface in your browser. API trading terminal.

Exchanges with EURO and USD in 1-3Q, 2020

Saturn is working on system for the exchanging of fiat currencies in all directions: over-the-counter cross-chain exchange, over-the-counter auction, atomic exchange.

Q3 2020

Worldwide supplier of liquidity for crypto markets


The Saturn platform was planned as a brand new safe and healthy trading atmosphere. We will be glad to have everyone on board, as we create this atmosphere for the players, like ourselves.
As it’s not possible for us to compel anybody to join this project. But I will still advise every one of you to join this project because this project looks very bright for the future. Also, this project was handled by an experienced team. Success is guaranty.

Useful Links for the project
Website: https://saturn.black
Bitcointalk thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5075635.0
Whitepaper: https://saturn.black/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/saturn-white-paper-eng-1.0.1.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Saturn-Black-200220127527617
Twitter: https://twitter.com/saturn_twitt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/saturn_xsat/
Blog: https://saturn.black/blog/
Saturn Official Group: https://t.me/saturn_ENGchat
Saturn Official Channel: https://t.me/saturnblack
Saturn Official Bounty: https://t.me/joinchat/JdHS-FjKRv21ihGR2y8ZyQ
Bitcointalk Username:Alaho15
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2513944
Eth Address: 0xf8c20030A71708E73D58Ab3900629F17B8875da5

0.348 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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