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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Hi everybody, and perusers, yes today I'm going to discuss this market, is. WHAT IS GOLD?
GOLD is the most steady resource class, which is considered to have been the most steady cash ever, the most steady money ever.

Gold is the most important approach to value your gold, the best method to contribute gold at the present time, you can exchange it whenever you need, a helpful and prompt approach to store, get it. , sell or move speculation grade gold dependent on ERC20 tokens AND EThereum gauges Each GOLD token is upheld 100% with physical gold put away in a safe vault.

The measure of physical gold put away can be checked whenever.

They guarantee the liquidity of the GOLD token. Boundless number of GOLD can be purchased/reclaimed at our site quickly day in and day out. Owning GOLD while private. All other gold proprietorship alternatives include unveiling your character at the hour of procurement or recovery. To purchase or sell any measure of GOLD, you just need to give your wallet address, 100% supported by physical gold. The measure of physical gold put away can be coordinated to the all out number of tokens continuously. All settlement exchanges are irreversible and there is no real way to square or restrain your record because of the decentralized structure of blockchain innovation. At the bank, there is no issue when really managing issues identified with valuable metal stockpiling. The organization gives you the liquidity token


GOLD can be purchased and sold quickly on various trades or at our site, enabling GOLD holders to enter and leave positions in a moment or two, an accomplishment. This is absurd with physical gold in a protected vault.

Presently you can store an incentive in something that has a reputation for a large number of years while still carefully controlled.

To accomplish high showcase liquidity, GOLD agents hold significant positions as market producers on real trades the world over. enthusiasm by the outside market,


GOLD is a digital asset supported by physical gold, bought each time the token is issued and put away in a protected vault in Singapore. GOLD is a protected, advantageous and quick arrangement, filling an assortment of needs from contributing and differentiating portfolios to verify exchanges and presents for your friends and family of the enormous market in exchanges. Every exchange costs just a couple of strings for each exchange, your method for accepting gold or the manner in which you store gold at no charge. GOLD declaration is an extraordinary advantage for broaden your portfolio. The venture is because of its straightforwardness, where individuals can coordinate the quantity of GOLD tokens issued against the measure of physical gold in the capacity held by our organization.

GOLD tokens are a genuine place of cryptographic money financial specialists in the midst of market volatility.

A digital resource for helpful capacity and secure exchanges that you can depend on GOLD token is an ERC-20 standard Ethereum token with a smart contract, charging 1% of the yearly expense to store GOLD tokens. The tokens can be moved to any Ethereum address and utilized for every day exchanges.

Every GOLD exchange are free. GOLD can be effectively obtained and sold through their official site and digital money exchange.

Gold has been demonstrated to be a store of significant worth and to avert long haul expansion for a large number of years. The US Dollar, then again, has no such reputation.

Since 1900, the US Dollar has lost 98.2% of acquiring power, while gold expanded 53.9 occasions in a similar period keeping up full obtaining force, and battling swelling.

Purchase or sell GOLD and different digital forms of money without confinements and limitations. Cryptex platform Cryptoexchange works with a wide range of installment frameworks, money and electronic payments.

Today, the Digital Gold group is satisfied to declare the official dispatch of the token and the GOLD platform. The primary official statement has been discharged and is right now conveyed on blockchain broad communications (mass media)…

September 10, 2019

Digital Gold has requested an expert review of the GOLD Ethereum smart contract from eminent specialists in this field — Swiss-based blockchain security firm ChainSecurity. ChainSecurance is secure over $1
What is a GOLD coin?
GOLD is a stablecoin for regular utilize simply like for worth protection. When you purchase GOLD, you purchase the relating measure of gold bullion put away in a safe storage. Here are a few highlights that make the token one of a kind:

Especially physical gold while still private. No compelling reason to unveil your own data is required to buy physical gold at the bank or vault.

Store an incentive in resources with a demonstrated reputation for a large number of years. Uncommon long haul obtaining intensity of gold has made it a place of refuge resource of decision and aversion of market unpredictability.

Free exchange. You can make the same number of exchanges in GOLD as you like. The main expense is a little rate determined every day on your equalization to change to putting away physical gold in the vault.

Boundless purchase or sell. Digital Gold is a liquidity supplier holding enormous places that permits the buy and clearance of countless tokens at their site or trade of partners.Finally, they are arranging transparently with various other cryptographic money trades. We will inform you of ensuing postings on trades when the GOLD token is recorded on these platforms.

For more information about the project visit:

Website: https://gold.storage/

Whitepaper: https://gold.storage/wp.pdf

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5161544

Telegram: https://t.me/digitalgoldcoin

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_erc20

Medium: https://medium.com/@digitalgoldcoin

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/golderc20

Bitcointalk username: ryan619

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2307679;sa=summary

4.651 GOLOS
На Golos с July 2019
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