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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


In 2018 nearly everybody has heard the words Bitcoin, Blockchain or cryptographic money, yet

what the number of individuals is utilizing Blockchain innovation for building answers for

their organizations or individual use? Just a bunch people utilize the genuine intensity of

blockchain answers for either construct installment arrangements or to send a Dapp to grow

their business.

The tremendous number of organizations are as yet confounded about which blockchain to

receive for building their Dapps? They are either uncertain about the exchange expenses,

supportability of the blockchain stage, questions over the group constructing the blockchain,

and so forth.

A business may have built up a Dapp on a blockchain stage, yet shakiness of that stage or

stopping of the said blockchain ought not to be an unfavorable factor for the said Dapp.

A business can relocate starting with one Blockchain stage then onto the next blockchain

stage with a solitary snap or a couple of minor alterations. We propose a blockchain stage

(Elisia), which itself is a Dapp stage being able to fabricate a Dapp for any current

blockchains and permit movement of Dapps starting with one blockchain stage then onto the

next with a solitary snap.

At Elisia we propose a blockchain arrangement, which synchronizes the majority of the

blockchain improvement stages in a typical stage and gives a brought together interface to

create and convey the blockchain put together open and private applications with respect to

an ace chain (Elisia) or sub chains like other Dapp building stages with a solitary snap or

minor modifications.

Elisia blockchain is an appointed confirmation of stake (DPOS) chain with the side chains

including diverse calculations like verification of stake (POS), evidence of work (POW),

assigned verification of stake (DPOS), and so on.

About Elisia

Elisia is another digital money dependent on its own one of a kind Blockchain innovation. 

Since Satoshi Nakamoto issued Bitcoin in 2008, Elisia is an extremely fascinating improvement 

in the blockchain world. Elisia gives free exchanges, extremely quick and enables clients to 

effectively make free DAPPS and the capacity to make their very own digital currency by 

squeezing the catch! 

Elisia has been structured with 4 mainstays of solidarity:

  • Speed
  • Free
  • Security 
  • Simplicity 

The market will dependably stay focused for all items/administrations, including blockchains. 

There is expanding rivalry between the blockchain to turn out as a superior arrangement in 

shape new activities or hard forks from existing undertakings. 

A few tasks center around security, some emphasis on speed and some attention on different 

stage employments. 

The blockchain target is an alternate gathering of clients; to be specific the primary client 

aggregate Ripple is the monetary foundation, the fundamental client assemble Ethereum is a 

token creator, the principle client amass Tron is a social/amusement client channel, and so 


With blockchains, Elisia achieves an agreement on the exchange square, so that there are no 

exchanges that contention with the others, not in the past square or this square. 

Nonetheless, with the rise of various blockchain stage, both single blockchain engineers and 

blockchain clients touched base an agreement utilizing the blockchain stage to manufacture 

Their Dapps. Aside from the current blockchain stage loaded everywhere expenses and 

restricted registering limit that avoids boundless reception of blockchain arrangements by 


Every single business needs to create Dapp on such a stage, which furnishes extremely quick 

exchange speeds with security and zero shared expenses by giving the alternative to 

relocating from one blockchain application improvement stage to others as indicated by their 

business vision and necessities. 

Following this, I will depict the unique circumstance, vision, and engineering of the product 

that underlies Elisia, which was worked to serve a gathering of clients.

Features of Elisia

  • Speed: Each Elisia transaction reaches its destination at lightning speeds!
  • Free: Elisia transactions are 100% free for sender and receiver!
  • DAPPS: Users can create DAPPS with little to no technical knowledge!


Soft Cap: 5000ETH

  • Hard Cap: 50000ETH
  • Token Price: 0.0001ETH ($0.01)
  • Currencies Accepted: ETH (Smart Contract)
  • TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000 ELSA 
  • CONTRACT ADDRESS: 0x96c9126ee53fe08cc28fb08248915c76af3e3568

- First 24 hours: 45%

- Day 2 - Day 7: 35%

- Day 8 - Day 14: 30%

- Day 15 - Day 21: 25%


  • Token Sale: 750,000,000 ELSA (75%)
  • TEAM: 70,000,000 ELSA (7%)
  • AIR DROP: 50,000,000 ELSA (5%)
  • BOUNTY: 50,000,000 ELSA (5%)
  • RESERVED: 80,000,000 ELSA (8%)


  • MARKETING: 20%
  • LEGAL: 5%


This timeline details our funding and development goals.

  • January 2018: Idea/Brainstorming
  • February 2018: Research Phase
  • June 2018: First Tech White Paper
  • October 2018: White Paper Released
  • November 2018: Token Sale Begins
  • December 2018: Elisia Network Development Begins
  • January 2019: Token Sale Ends
  • February 2019: Released on Major Exchanges
  • May 2019: Elisia Network Testing
  • August 2019: Elisia Network Development Complete
  • September 2019: Elisia Network Official Release
  • October 2019: ELSA Token Swap
  • November 2019: First Annual DAPP Contest

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BitcoinTalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1517574

BitcoinTalk Username: gunnerslon

ETH: 0xE2Eea3fB4e2019a0789738Ec5D8f232bCb1f73b9

0.480 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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