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5 лет назад

Gemstra: Innovative Economy of Impressiveness

The advertisement market is growing while evolving.

The significant increase occurred in multimedia devices especially in the last two decades created an enormous demand for the visual presentations about almost every sector and advertisement sector is the leading one for that regard. But another ground started to change everything that requires adds. This ground is called social media. Also, it produced a new area of commerce named influencer market.

What is Gemstra?

Simply, I can define Gemstra as a platform having a major goal which is to create a solid link between influencer realm and businesses with various kind. By doing so, tokenization of the process is the main key action for promoting the business and amplify the influencer benefits.

Why Gemstra?

Besides its one of the rare projects related to the topic, there are certain problems which have the answers coming from Gemstra.

  • First of all, there is no working system to directly connect commercial entities with influencers at present.
  • Secondly, if you are not a well-known influencer without a really large audience then you don't have a chance to make a link with any business.
  • Gemstra aims to solve these problems without a bug.

    Influencer marketing is the most charming and fast growing area of advertisement and flawless connection of it with the business sectors will be a must in a short period of time. Gemstra is in charge at this point.

Almost one-third of the Earth population is a social media users and nearly a quarter of them could be considered as an influencer. This is a dozen of billions of dollars market and growth rate is incredible. Just consider how important and big it is!

Platform Features

Gemstra platform has some companions to grow together. Let me introduce them.


ASTRA is a blockchain powered decentralized infrastructure to create an equally working business model for every part of it. It is a globally functioning platform to provide related data to promote the business in fair conditions.

• Boutique

Boutique is the attention centre of Gemstra platform. It is where any influencer can come and choose whatever business or product they want to promote. Customization function is available and anyone can create his or her own catalogue within the Boutique.

• Knowy

Right, promoting a product by the influencers is okay. But, how about the reliability of it? Knowy platform is the place where things get clear and transparent. It is a reputation based floor in which anyone can find an honest review of anything he or she seeks. The effect of the reviews depends on the reputation of the reviewer and reviewer gets paid as GEMS for the reviews done.


GEMS Token is the utilization device of Gemstra platform that it can be used every inside activity done. ASTRA functions and Knowy reviews are examples. Here are the token features and details.

Token Specifics

NameGems Token
Platform BothERC-20 and DRC-20
Price:1ETH = 10,000 GEMS
Soft Cap:4,000 ETH
Hard Cap:40,000 ETH

Token Allocation

Growth Pool30%
Advisor & Partnership Pool10%

Fund Allocation

Software Development22%


Road Map


Final Words

The effect of social media in everything on the world is crystal clear. It creates its own celebrities, it has a great influence on our daily life and it reshapes the lie styles. Of course, advertisement methods cannot exclude themselves from this movement. Gemstra project is a brilliantly designed one to monetize social media influence while directing the people to the right requirements. It carries some unique and useful features like;

  • It reaches everyone who is considered as an influencer.
  • It has its own functional and customizable bazaar to become a part of the platform.
  • It helps its users to find the right thing they demand as well as creates benefits for the influencers.
  • And the most important thing is the guaranteed honesty Gemstra provides.

Thanks for reading my article.

WEBSITE: https://gemstra.com/
WHITEPAPER: https://docsend.com/view/xvyqq7a
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gemstraofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gemstraofficial
Telegram: https://t.me/gemstra
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Gemstra/

Bounty0x username: sancho9905

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