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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


It a nice day meeting you here, i have a good news here for you, let's talk about CBNT

CBNT is a decentralized professional content sharing community based on blockchain technology and an ecosystem model of DPGC (Decentralization Professional Generated Content). In the beginning, we will focus on blockchain and professional financial investment content.

CBNT will create a win-win ecosystem for all participants, including content/articles providers, content readers, ad publishers, and token holders. In the CBNT community, whether you are content generators or content viewers, both sides can receive tokens "Mining Rewards".

Innovation in the CBNT community: participating is mining;100% profit exchanging; community autonomy model; practicing decentralized self-operation management “group wisdom”. All participants in this ecosystem can get 100% corresponding rights and benefits, thus to achieve a win-win system of "content, traffic, and advertising."


On the CBNT platform, the most important factor in the content mining incentives is the content quality. The higher quality the content is, the more users will participant in viewing, sharing, liking and other mining activities, thus gaining more mining incentives.

The rating right of the content will be given to the readers, and each reader has different voting weights. The higher the weight is, the greater the impact on the content rating. The final mining rewards will be comprehensively calculated based on factors, like readers’ behavior weight, view amount, and whether the article is original, etc. The daily token pool will be distributed according to the weight of the score.

The value of high-quality content on CBNT mainly comes from the mining behavior of viewers. The value weight of viewer’s mining is mainly composed of the following factors:

Token Amount: Part of the mining value of the viewers is derived from the number of tokens held. The more tokens held, the higher the weight of the mining value and the more the mining incentives will be rewarded in the future.

Contribution Value: Each user has his own contribution value (similar to Alipay Sesame Credit Score), which is mainly used to measure how much the user contributes to the community. The contribution value has nothing to do with the number of tokens held and the number of tokens locked but gains from commenting, liking, sharing, and other activities. It is gradually accumulated and improved from long-term participation on the platform. The higher the contribution value, the higher the “credit score” the user will have on the platform, and the contribution value is directly proportional to the mining incentive. If the user wants to share more mining incentives, he needs to continuously improve his contribution value.

** Sharing**: the behavior of evaluating the value of high-quality content is forwarding and sharing. Users can share good-quality content with friends and can also be shared with social media. When sharing is successful, it records mining behavior, and the content value will also increase.

Liking: Every effective like on high-quality content (both users with a higher contribution value and users with lower contribution value) can increase the value of your content's mining incentives.

CB Value: Each viewer has limited mining capability. Each mining will consume a certain CB value. The CB value is only used to control whether the mining behavior can be rewarded, rather than the parameters for controlling the mining behavior. The content mining will consume a certain CB value each time, and 100 points will be added to the CB value every 24 hours. When the CB value is insufficient, users can continue to like the content, but the like does not contribute to the improvement of the content value and the CB value is not reduced.

Mining Behavior Rank: It is a good thing to encourage the viewers and communicators who reveal high-quality content, the sooner the users mine content (sharing, commenting, and liking), the more content mining incentives they will receive. The mining incentives will decrease based on the order of likes by the audience.

Token Allocation: As CBNT is a proof of platform ecosystem, CBNT token holders can enjoy rights on the platform, like revenue sharing, supervision, voting etc. The total supply of CBNT is 10 billion, and it will never be over issued. There are two ways to obtain CBNT: one is mining, and the other is to trade from the exchange. The distribution mechanism of the tokens are as follows:


mining pool = 60%

foundation pool =20%

founding pool = 10%

operating tools =5%

private investment =5%

In brief, CBNT is a blockchain-based content sharing platform that offers solution for the traditional content sharing platform existing within the internet today. It works to provide fair benefit for every party including the content creator, reader and others. I will like to let you see the graph above where 60% are pooling CBNT and others as follows.

For detail information:

Contact us CBNT website: www.cbnt.io Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbntofficial/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CbntOfficial/ Steemit: https://steemit.com/@cbntofficial Medium: https://medium.com/@cbntofficial

Telegram: https://t.me/cbntofficia

Author: jacob stephen

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2579925

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