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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
4 года назад

HackenAI All-in-one Cybersecurity Suit

What is hacken ai

HackenAI is a best community tries at protecting users from cybersecurity. MPP lets for HackenAI to promoter transactions, for an audience making it more accessible. It may not be blockchain-savvy sufficient to analyze the amount of gas they essential in their wallet. Hacken was a safety inspector of the VeChainThor blockchain procedure. VeChainThor’s Proof of Authority agreement is one of the most protected procedures to keep its users from presently recognized hacker attacks.

HackenAI is completely powered by HAI token which is a vital portion of the application. The user knowledge jumps with an educational CyberBootCamp when the App is connected. For effective completion of BootCamp modules Users receive their principal HAI tokens as a prize. If tests are passed totally the user will acquire sufficient tokens to use every HackenAI functions free for six months.

HackenAi Benefits

HAI token will be their major digital benefit for most of HackenAI users. It is a unique educational package on the focal cyber security topics with Privacy, Anti-Phishing, Account Management, and many more. Helping as a starting journey to HackenAI, Users will study how to stay protected and get to know vital fundamentals about all things of cyber security on the web and locally. Hacken will announce semi-annual reports which will release important numbers of token usage. Major Hacken stakeholders will voted on marketing and development budgets, including fourth level stakers.

With the subordinate market HAI listing at highest cryptocurrency exchanges all resulting sector, app update announce will be escorted. We can control the supply side of maintaining the continuous demand for HAI token by using this token supply model. The Initial Token Presents HAI efficacy this is conducted according to user safety rules and the Advertising Performance.

Why HackenAi is best

In the cybersecurity industry HackenAI is the conclusion of our unmatched experience. It is particularly within the wish to help the community and our blockchain world.

Basic Cyberbootcamp
It Certify your private cybersecurity from the hackers with our online safety training modules.

If any private information has been negotiated and is accessible on the dark web, HackenAi enables users to protect online data.

Password manager
It will confirm extreme security for your digital self with securely generate and store multifaceted passwords.

Device sync
HackenAI keeps user account data for free through devices by secured and encrypted peer-to-peer network.

Digital Asset manager

The wallet will care extra assets like ETH and BTC, with cross-chain functionality, in need of on user demand and roadmap development.
The HAI token and The HackenAI app are going to transform mobile application marketplace in the close future.

The HackenAI utility token (HAI) provides users the capability to use HackenAI application facilities and token price is not guaranteed. The buyer also allows the financial doubt and technological of the project. As such, HackenAI is released of several authorized action resulting from nonperformance, failure, or non-implementation of the development.

We trust that building a produce which solves important actual problems for the crowds is the end objective for blockchain. It is true that digital assets and Blockchain will lead the system for the information revolution, and it’s exactly why we made HackenAI.

To Know more about this great platform, Watch my video tutorial from here,

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