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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Cooperation between XYO and Atomic Wallet

In modern post I continue to own the narrative about the Atomic plan, Wallet, and directly tells you about the latest partnership agreements - the addition of the newest token in the list of supported cryptocurrencies!
It is worth remembering that Atomic Wallet is a multi-currency wallet, which gives the greatest comfort to users, if the problem reaches up to the management of crypto assets. All without exception, the data are in the wallet of users in the absence of the need to flow through the tedious movement of sending tokens to various exchanges in order to save. In addition, one key in particular.STEY Atomic wallet is considered the probability of users to change the cryptocurrency among themselves. This creates the wallet is very functional and comfortable device for the exchange of scriptaction. By the way, Atomic Wallet contains previously running products that are available for download in the plan website. https://atomicwallet.io/
According to the track map in the 2019 time in the projects of creators to Supplement most of the TWENTIETH the latest tokens and coins in a private wallet. With the last of scriptaction such it is possible to classify the token plan Network XYO - XYO .
Let's take a closer look at the whole procedure, including the entrance to the wallet.
Download the wallet from the official website ( source more )
In the source if you open a wallet, before you there is a diet of formation of the latest wallet or renewal of the former, using a secret motif with 12 texts.

Already after earlier comes directly wallet registration procedure that contains the formation of the original password. In the subsequent stage, it is important to make a record in various carriers of the secret motif with 12 texts in the British style, since this one method is to resume admission to the wallet in case of loss of the password from it. No one needs to say them in any place-or bring them to the attention of the General public. This is a very significant period.

Then transgress the tab "WALLET" and then through the selection in the upper left corner find the desired token for you XYO. Thus, as well as someone is considered a token of the standard ERC-TWENTIETH, in this case, the address you will have is similar to your ETH address in the wallet Atomic Wallet.

XYO & Atomic Wallet

XYO - this line of IoT devices, which do cryptographically podmahnul information studies from the physiological society. Geospatial location information is only a single sample. Use more than you think. XYO gives you the ability to demand all sorts of research from the world: audio, heat, video and almost everything else. The line is saturated with” digital oil " coming tomorrow-cryptocurrency near the name XYO.
Read more in the official website of the plan https://xyo ahhh!network/

Atomic Download: https://atomicwallet.io/downloads

Website : https://atomicwallet.io

Telegram : https://t.me/atomicwalletchat

Twitter : https://twitter.com/atomicwallet

Author: YUlka_Holod https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1785944;sa=summary

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