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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Hydax OTC Recruiting Global Traders

Hello everyone and dear readers, today I will introduce you to the Hydax OTC used to provide the most reliable digital asset trading service for our customers from all over. in the world. What does "Global Trader" mean?
A Global Trader can be understood as a person or group of professionals who are eligible to create ads (abbreviated as ad) exchanging Fiat via Tokens for free.
By becoming a Global Trader, you can receive the following privileges:
Conditions for posting fiat transactions to low tokens to optimize profits during the "Buy & Sell" process
There are no transaction fees.
24/7 user support.
Information needed to become a Global Trader:
Your HydID UID.
Your contact information like Telegram / Email / WeChat / Telegram / Whatsapp / etc.
Country code or area code where you live.
Please tell us what kind of fiat your country or region you want to join as a Global Trader.
Please email the above information to company@hydax.com (mail subject is: Hydax OTC Global Merchant Application + Your name) and we will contact you within 48 hours and check your details. believe that.
Restrictions for Global Traders
To protect the interests of our Global Traders, we limit Global Traders to 10 for each country or region, and we will put in place appropriate removal rules to ensure the spread. Great experience for users.
We are also planning to implement other activities such as discount deals for both Global Traders and new users. For updates on official news, please follow us.
We welcome people or groups of highly experienced people to join our OTC to build a thriving ecosystem. Come and join now
Introduction to Hydax Affiliate Program
Whether you are a cryptocurrency trader or an active supporter of cryptocurrencies, you can experience a new way of making money by participating in the Hydax Affiliate Program, sending referrals to Your social network to earn unlimited income.
By registering as a Hydax user through your referral link, they will be part of your invitation network. Your earnings will also be increased through the outcome of expanding your invitation network.

  1. What is the Hydax Affiliate Program, and how does it work?
    Hydax Affiliate Program is a commission-based operating system that allows you to earn up to the second level of connection in your shared network.
    Every time the person you refer trades on the platform, you will receive a percentage of the fee generated by their activities.

  2. To participate, do I need to become a Hydax customer?
    -Yes. Everyone can join the Hydax Affiliate Program. The only condition is to have a Hydax account. If you do not have an account, it only takes a few minutes to create one.

  3. Where can I get the referral code and how many times can I reuse it?
    As an affiliate, when you log into your account, you will see your referral code and your account page poster.
    You can then create and share that code with your social network. Anyone who uses that invitation code will become one of your network members. The bigger your invitation network grows, the more potential revenue you make.
    The invitation code is shared unlimited times. To follow the invitation, you can find details of the people invited in your invitation page.

  4. What is your desired income as a Branch?
    The Hydax branch can earn connections with 2 levels of linkage in their network.
    The fee rewards are as follows:
    No. Affiliate relationship lasting half-years (start from your invitee successfully registered). If there are any changes, we will make an announcement to the public. There will be more related activities coming up in future.

  5. Do Invitee get any rewards or rebates?
    Yes If you are invitee, Hydax will give you 50 HDX extra for joining the platform. You can read the details here: New User Bonus Program

  6. If I sign up with a referral code, which information can the Affiliate see about my account?
    We value customer privacy. Affiliate Dashboard will ONLY show the number of invitees.

  7. How will I receive my payments, and where can I see them? As an Affiliate, you can see all your earnings in your account T + 1.
    Note: You may receive your Affiliate Payments (or Member Rebates) in the same digital tokens that Hydax collected as the applicable fees on which the payments are based.

  8. What if I see that there is a mistake on the rebate I receive?
    You must notify Hydax of any disagreement regarding any Affiliate Payment issue within thirty days.

  9. Who can I contact if I have further questions?
    You can always get in touch with us, submit a request or joining our telegram channel.

My article here is the end to ask for information below everyone can see
Official Website: http://www.hydax.com
Telegraph : https://t.me/HydaxExchang
WeChat official account:Hydax_io
Hydax Official website: https://www.hydax.com
Hydax Exchange Group: https://t.me/HydaxExchange
Hydax Bounty Group: https://t.me/HydaxBounty
Ann thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5194780
twittre: https://twitter.com/HydaxE

UID Telegram: 761041868
Usname Telegram: @thuyvu03

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