Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



The origin of Causee is based on the combination of the words Cause + Ecommerce (e).
Each token Causee has ownership rights to distribution of income from earnings. The token itself has similar security attributes, currencies, and bonds. This combination gives investors the opportunity to evaluate the token gain and share the gross proceeds of the cause.
Our vision through innovation is to change the way people shop and contribute to all types of causes around the world. This idea is to change habits when shopping and reward consumers for their efforts.
To attract an audience, we've added a game component that will start the interaction needed to start this habit transformation. In essence, each purchase will support the reason, discarding the thought of choosing when, how, who and how much to Deposit. Instead, we do this for them in a way that does not require any input from the consumer, recognizing their participation.

Token Framework
Eliminating the exclusivity associated with investing in innovative opportunities is our goal. Democratizarea our platform, we are giving investors the opportunity of participation and ownership in share of income received from the first market trading platform for gamification of e-Commerce. Investors can obtain these rights simply by using several forms of cryptocurrency and paper currency.
To eliminate instability, each token carries a minimum fixed quarterly payout ensuring cash flow. These components make an investment opportunity extraordinary with a noticeable potential for growth by holding or trading a token.

The advantages of the platform Causee
The Causee Shopping platform aims to disrupt the e-Commerce landscape, which is controlled by a handful of influential companies.
Meet the team
The Causee team consists of experts in several industries with significant experience and proven track record in areas such as blockchain technology, web design and development, product management, Finance, sales and marketing. Full disclosure will be announced in January 2019.

QUARTER 4 (2017)
Thoughts to paper
1st QUARTER (2018)
Planning concept, the scope of the platform and frame
QUARTER 2 (2018)
Security Token Economics, the initial structure of the application
3rd QUARTER (2018)
Prototype in operation, team check
QUARTER 4 (2018)
Stealthpaper, token creation, application registration, private sale, white paper disclosure
1st QUARTER (2019)
Alpha testing, Pre Sale, Main Sale, presentation of the leading team, Distributors / Sellers / Sponsors
QUARTER 2 (2019)
Public Beta, a Strategic partnership
QUARTER 3 (2019)
First Share Distribution, Platform Live, scaling and user engagement
QUARTER 4 (2019)
Second Share Distribution, growing global reach, retail integration
1st QUARTER (2020)
Third-party distribution, release 2, third-party integrations and deployments
QUARTER 2 (2020)
The fourth Distribution of shares of the issued
3rd QUARTER (2020)
The distribution of shares of fifth

Below we have provided some information on General questions you may have. If you have any other questions, you can contact us using the contact form below.
What is a token offer?
The initial coin offering (ICO) is a new form of fundraising. The main objective of these proposals is to reduce the risk to investors by democratizing the investment process.
What payments do you accept for the purchase of Causee Token?
We accept Fiat and cryptocurrency such as BTC, ETH, XLM, LTC and others. If you have any questions regarding payment methods.
Please contact us for more information.
How can I participate in Causee Token Sale?
There are several opportunities to participate. The first will be joining our list of private sales, the second will be pre - sale registration, and the last will be public sale.
The ability to run more than an idea?
Platform Causee.com - it's more than just an idea. Our platform has a prototype, and intellectual property is verified and registered.

Company website: https://token.causee.com/
Link to the official document: https://token.causee.com/STEALTHPAPER.pdf

Username bounty0x: jmp22

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