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5 лет назад


Network all KABN is an integrated package of financial services, which includes a Visa card from Pegasus Flyte approved Visa card with a cryptographic connection and mobile integrated multicurrency banking wallet; all KABN KASH, reliable loyalty program and participation and linking to the network, all KABN ID patent application is always enabled, compatible with the GDPR, the blockchain and biometrically platform to verify and confirm the identity. KABN ID is a free service for consumers and provides continuous monitoring and verification of identity on the Internet and on conventional trading platforms.

A set of financial services that starts with Blockchain identity

All KABN is a platform of financial services with the decisions of the neo-banking type approved Visa on the launch of its cryptofaunal card programs and Bank wallets.


Network all KABN is an integrated package of financial services, which includes a Visa card from Pegasus Flyte approved Visa card with a cryptographic connection and mobile integrated multicurrency banking wallet; all KABN KASH , reliable loyalty program and participation and linking to the network, all KABN ID patent application is always enabled, compatible with the GDPR, the blockchain and biometrically platform to verify and confirm the identity. KABN ID is a free service for consumers and provides continuous monitoring and verification of identity on the Internet and on conventional trading platforms.


KABN's mission is to create a set of world-class products and services that support a decentralized market economy, allowing consumers around the world to control their digital identity and personal data by linking them to financial services and loyalty platforms related to cryptocurrency.

Selling tokens all KABN

The KABN Equity token, "digital security" or "digital certificate", is the equivalent of KABN Preference Equity Share and has all the rights and privileges of these shares.

The following information is for demonstration purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell securities. For more information, qualified buyers will need to read the KABN offer documents and comply with the securities laws, rules and regulations.

Private and pre-sale rounds are currently available to qualified investors.

Please join our white list or send us a message through our contact form for more information.

Why all KABN?

As soon as crypto-currencies and other digital currencies spread and grow worldwide, there is an increasing need to be able to convert these currencies back into traditional currencies such as US dollars or euros, to make them suitable for use in the real world.

The integrated package of KABN PRODUCTS, approved by Visa, solves this real and growing problem by giving digital currency holders and KABN CARDHOLDERS the opportunity to spend their money in the store, online and access ATMs around the world, wherever Visa is accepted.

In the United States alone, this type of map is expected to grow to more than $ 396 billion by 2022. The world will follow the same trajectory and the expected growth will be exponential.

Digital securities

All KABN is part of a developing service industry the Blockchain, offering its services to all KABN ID as "bolts" for other initiatives based on the Blockchain. Our team considered many options for the capitalization and start of with the traditional primary round.

Management felt that the best way to develop KABN is to engage our customers, customers and partners on our journey and offer shares to qualified investors around the world through digital security or an asset and token securitization program, allowing us to share our potential success and long-term value with others in accordance with securities laws, rules and regulations.

All KABN Ecosystem

KABN Ecosystem offers customers the ability to verify their identity without providing confidential documentation to third parties, as well as the ability to use digital currencies, as well as convert and spend them as traditional currencies or Fiat, wherever Visa is used, while participating in active interaction and loyalty Programs that provide constant value.

"The global ID, which is always included»

KABN ID provides your digital twin with a free and always included , free 24/7/365 ID card for online and other services.

Patented KABN ID validation and verification process , compatible with GDPR, blockchain and biometric method "always on" KYC / AML (know your customer / money laundering).

Crypto-Linked Card & Mobile banking wallet

In the framework of all KABN's desire to become a leader in the field of financial services in the field of neo-banking, all KABN has partnered with Transact Payments, European e-money institution and a key member of the Visa, a global provider of GPS processors and platform technologies Pannovate to run Pegasus Flyte. Visa card and mobile Banking Wallet program in the UK and then in the EEA in the 2nd quarter of the year. KABN expects expansion to other geographic regions as approved.

Loyalty and rewards

The Pegasus Flyte program also offers a free, reliable loyalty and engagement platform called KABN KASH , providing our customers with additional services.

For investors

In accordance with the offer Documents and jurisdictional securities laws, exclusions, rules and regulations:


Token all KABN supported shares in the Company.

Preferred profit share

Token all KABN is a holder of a preference share of any profits.

Global trading

The KABN token is offered for trading on a number of the world's leading stock exchanges

Detailed information:

Company website: https://www.kabntoken.com

The link to the official document: https://www.kabntoken.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/KABN-Company-Overview-Summary-V1.2.pdf

Username bounty0x: jmp22

0.343 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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