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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



My dear investors, today I want to tell you about a very interesting project. And you, in turn, make a decision for yourself, to take part in it or not. Recently found many moshenicheskie projects, and choose the standing of them is very difficult.Today's review I would like to start with a description of the token. Well, I will tell you the technological basis later.
Team DABANKING created utility token called token DAA, which will be the main driver of ecosystem DABANKING. HOW TO EARN TOKEN DAA?
With a minimum maximum offer of 20 million Daas, the only way to make money is that users or any crypto enthusiast who needs a DAA token should buy a ticket that they will use when playing games using Eth.DAA has divided its mining process into 10 different stages, there are 10 rounds for each stage, and a maximum of 200,000 DAA is used in each mining round. Therefore, when a user buys a ticket in the first round or possibly loses a game with a quantity of 0.05 Eth, it means that the user was able to mine 1.666667 DAA. The extracted DAA token will be divided into 60% and 40% respectively. 60% of 1,66666667 that produced by the user is equivalent to 1.0 DAA and 40% equivalent 0,66666667 DAA. In this case, 1.0 DAA (60%) will be sent to the user's wallet, and 0.66666667 (40%) will be sent to the developer's wallet.
Although blockchain still has a huge market capitalization, the number of people implementing this innovative technology is still very small. This is due to some difficulties associated with the use of blockchain technology, especially for people who are not prone to technology. Over the years, there have been many applications created using blockchain technology. Although blockchain technology has been designed to make a decentralized application more transparent, flexible, distributed, and stimulating to users, creating a DApp is still a difficult task and is intended only for professionals.
But the good news is that DABANKING was created as a decentralized application (DApp) with some unique features that will allow it to stand out among other DApps in the world of cryptography and will allow project developers to easily create different DApps.

But after looking carefully at this project, I decided to take part in it.The introduction of blockchain technology about ten years ago led to transformation in most sectors of the world economy. Most projects use blockchain's unique capabilities, which include transparency, security, trust, decentralization, security, and low cost to offer their customers efficient and effective services.

As a result of the difficulties faced by developers when trying to create a DApp, a team of professionals and experienced professionals in the field of blockchain technology, game development, applications and related fields have created DABANKING with all the tools that will make it a pioneer in Blockchain that will allow developers to create DApps with decentralized entertainment services that are characterized by honesty, security, transparency and security to give users a great experience with a user-friendly interface.
Now let's take a look at the white paper, it will help us to learn more about the project : http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf
The main purpose of creating DABANKING using blockchain technology is to use blockchain capabilities to develop some interesting games for users. Thanks to the unique characteristics of the blockchain, users will be able to track and authenticate the real owner of various digital assets in order to avoid fraud. In addition, using DABANKING on the blockchain, the cost of developing a DApp will be reduced for a third party. However, thanks to the technology of the blockchain, has a great advantage at any time at any time to comply with safe transaction. In addition to the fun and enjoyment of playing games on the blockchain, it also increases the level of competition compared to the traditional gaming system. As with the fomo game, users can easily earn money in a transparent way by having fun playing blockchain technology.
website: https: //dabanking.io/
We return to the token
Games developed by DABANKING with Blockchain technology can bring valuable features such as:
● Track and authenticate owners of digital asset types.
● Reduce costs for third parties.
● Secure payment system based on blockchain.
● Blockchain integration into your game improves competitiveness compared to traditional games.
● Easily exchange digital assets with high liquidity.
Fomo Jackpot
One of the first products of dabanking's Dapp is the FomoJackpot lottery program, based on blockchain technology, together with the Dapp Game under the General name FomoGame, which helps participants not only to have fun after a tiring day, but at the same time easily increase their income. ,
FomoJackpot gives the player the opportunity to win up to a thousand ETH with a very small amount of 0.002 ETH per ticket.
The DAA token can be used in games instead of Eth.

Users earn Eth every two weeks by betting / holding a DAA token

The team also plans to implement a token burning program that will eventually reduce the number of DAA tokens in circulation and the maximum supply, thereby increasing the value of the token, allowing users to make a profit.

Well, dear friends, let's sum up the results and intermediate conclusions.
Do the blockchain has a significant place in technology. Many financial institutions and holdings use it in everyday life . And every year the use of this technology will be more extensive. So feel free to participate in the project, but remember one thing, the investment is a risk. But the main thing to be able to manage it

Get more information here:

Web site: https://dabanking.io/

Technical document: http://dabanking.io/static/whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/DABANKINGOFFICIAL

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dabanking.io/

Youtube: http://bit.ly/2VYtVOV

Medium: https://medium.com/@dabanking.io

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/dabanking/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dabanking_io

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