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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Good evening dear subscribers! There is a saying: "Silver is more expensive than gold." It has many versions of appearance. Some say - it happened because of the sharp jump in the price of silver asset, while others due to the ancient use and use of silver ions. There are other opinions, but anyway, since ancient times, humanity uses this rare earth resource in their everyday life. Jewelry, Cutlery, in the form of money and even in medicine or in religion. Over time, its use only grows. Already now it is used in the most modern equipment,and silver is an asset available on almost any currency exchange.

Nowadays, the largest countries for silver mining are: China, Mexico, Peru, Australia, Chile. Extraction of any mineral is labor-intensive, expensive not only in monetary terms, but also requires a large number of man-hours. This is a very large industrial sector, using large and heavy equipment. If we take the whole process from the stage of discovery of mines, say to the final jewelry, to present the volume of all work will be a difficult task. Many enterprises are combined into various holdings and funds to simplify the extraction of minerals. One of these was the DST Fund.

DST, was established in 2018 and is based in Malaysia in the city of Singapore. It is a non-profit institution that includes employees from different countries, whose goal is to create an ecosystem in the form of digital assets under the control of Blockchain technology, in the global mining and jewelry industry. It has long been a known fact that Blockchain is an innovative technology with reliability, transparency and security. In addition, it allows you to scale almost any business built on it. Looking at how the Blockchain is developing, the DST team has the opinion to make it a leader in the field of advanced technologies in the silver sector. Why not? DST, using Blockchain will accompany all the way of silver mining, up to its retail and e-Commerce.


With the help of blockchain technology, there will be digitization of industrial resources, as well as asset distribution and further industrial development. These ways will achieve liquidity and will increase cash turnover. Thanks to the blockchain technology, due to the fact that it can store large data, all information about the locations of mineral products will be authentic and easily tracked. This point alone allows many companies involved in production, supply, processing to obtain reliable data on a permanent basis. Data transmission will be fast and without distortion and possibility of change. Accounting reporting will gain transparency, and, the use of mathematical algorithms in the calculations, will eliminate mediation. A large role in the system is assigned to smart contracts. It consists of a certain set of obligations in digital form, the preservation and automatic execution of which is also controlled by the blockchain. The DST Foundation is committed to actively participating in social security activities. This program includes assistance to the elderly and disabled, promotion and support of new blockchain projects.

The DST token, developed on the basis of Ethereum and having the standard ERC20, is a share of the project. Investors who have invested their funds in the initial stage of the ICO, count on a long-term perspective, so the mining business is in demand in the world.
ICO will be held in several stages: private sales and public, during which bonuses will be available. The output tokens on the exchange is scheduled in September 2018., and their announcement will be announced a month earlier.
Ticker: DST.
The total number of coins: 545,000,000 DST.
Total for sale allocated: 70,000,000. DST.
Private sales start: April 11, 2018
Start of public sales: June 15, 2018.
End of ICO: August 1.
The price of a token: 1 ETH= DST 1,500.
Minimum investment: 1 ETH.
Accepted currency: ETH.

More information about the project can be found on these links
Website: https://dstoken.io/
White paper: https://dstoken.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/DST-White-Paper-V2.0.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3302445
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3356982
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialDST.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DST_io
Telegram: https://t.me/DST_io

Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951


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