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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


The introduction of bitcoin prompted a few many cryptographic forms of money, however the principle thought behind digital money is to verify and mysterious approach to exchange cash starting with one individual then onto the next. To additionally build up this namelessness, Satoshi Nakamoto built up an advanced record of bitcoins exchanges called Blockchain. In any case, the convergence of individuals into the market has made a cosmic ascent of digital forms of money like Bitcoin and Ethereum, consequently made cryptographic money showcase famous.

All things considered, exchanging cryptographic forms of money and trading or changing over digital currencies to fiat then again has been believed to be a noteworthy hindrance influencing the digital money advertise. Numerous frequently time individuals get terrified and disheartened because of the surprising expense of exchange and hazard engaged with exchanging digital currency. This was what prompted the introduction of STELLAR GOLD. Outstanding GOLD is utilizing blockchain innovation to proffer arrangements and facilitate the change of cryptographic money to fiat.


Outstanding Gold is a special stage go for proffering arrangement by utilizing blockchain innovation to give a creative, secure, straightforward, digital currency installment mix which will make the change of cryptographic forms of money simple and managed without the requirement for delegates or outsiders. Clients inside the Stellar Gold stage will probably change over digital forms of money to fiat with ease.

Quick Transactions: The excellent lumen blockchain affixes exchange consequently the requirement for outstanding Gold to use the Stellar Network to give a straightforward and quick exchanges.

Modest Price: Stellar Gold stage offers shabby cost with an enhancing fragment where exchanges should be possible with speed and low exchange charge.

Security: Since Stellar Gold use Stellar blockchain innovation and open key cryptography gadgets and methodologies, Users finances will be ensured to stay away from loss of assets. Exchanges will be affirmed by the sender before been at last handled.

Adaptability: Stellar Gold offers versatility so that can deal with upto 1000 exchanges inside seconds. The outstanding system likewise keeps copies of framework record.

Overall Transactions: Stellar Gold likewise gives overall exchanges in a verified and straightforward way. With Stellar Gold, clients can make portion and partner with banks anyplace on the planet without having any issues.

XLMG Tokens can be put away in the Lobstr wallet and can without much of a stretch pull back, exchange and exchange the XLMG token from that point at whenever and anyplace. The LOBSTR wallet is easy to utilize and a very much verified cryptographic money wallet that oversees lumen based tokens.


The Stellar Gold Token is a Stellar Based token and will be made accessible on outstanding port available to be purchased. It is likewise perfect with outsider wallet, administrations and trades.


The token deal goes along these lines:

Begin: March 28, 2019 (9:00AM GMT)

Number of tokens available to be purchased: 10000000 XLMG (9%)

End: May 28, 2018 (11:00AM GMT)

Tokens swapping scale: 4 XLM = 1 XLMG, 1 BTC = 300000 XLMG

Adequate monetary forms: XLM, ETH, BTC, LTC, XRP, SLT, BTX

Negligible exchange sum: 1 ETH/1 BTC/1 LTC

Token deal will be accessible through https://stellarport.io a Stellar Decentralized Exchange.

Blockchain increase can see essential improvement in scratching the leveling tech industry, the course by which we make trades and Ethereum, unequivocally, outfits a key party of chances with its applications. In any case, the moderate trade speed which is, everything considered, in setting on the structures pulled in with the working of Ethereum blockchain while ensuring the decentralized thought of the stage is a key issue that must be seen on an astoundingly essential estimation with cryptographic sorts of money getting reputation among individual and get-together assessors the traffic and stop upon Ethereum blockchain will other than make. In like way, with sharp contracts, new affiliations and affiliations are making their own stand-out surprising tokens to raise resources through their ICOs. This calls for snappier trade request and planning to make the blockchain and affiliations relying on the advancement adaptable and critical. While some examination and imaginative response for this crisis are 6 influencing it is yet to have totally attempted. Further research is required to take a gander at the possible results and execution of the proposed plans.
To learn more about the project, kindly click on the link below.

Website: https://stellargold.net/stellargold/icos/home/index.html


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StellarGold.net

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gold_stellar

Telegram: https://t.me/officialXLMG

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/stellar_gold

Medium: https://medium.com/@stellargold.net

BountyOx username: Chikky08

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