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Hello and welcome to another publication of MYCROJOBS... For some time now, I have been making reviews and analysis on Mycrojobs. Its is no doubt that MYCROJOBS is the future. A lot and more innovative advancements to be unveiled by MYCROJOBS.
Nevertheless, I shall focus more on Mycrojobs being the future of simple jobs. I shall also write about the possible future of this enterprise. Don't stop reading!


Ever since the inception of Block chain technology, a lot of achievements and successes had been recorded on crypto space and the world at large.95% of the sectors and economy is currently benefiting from the huge innovative measures and advancements brought by Block chain technology. However, much of these advancements hasn't been greatly felt in the employment sector which has left a huge gap and challenges in the economy such as:
1. Increased unemployment rates
2. Failed To-Do lists
3. Limited or no platforms or companies to take care of the simple jobs and tasks.
4. Increased fees due to few or limited platforms providing such services.
5. Issues with transparency, trust and security in the few existing platforms.

Hence, the inception of MYCROJOBS has and will continue to pave great way for the economy. The future of MYCROJOBS on the space is indeed a brightfor some obvious reasons which include:

1. MYCROJOBS is the first ever platform that would be user centered. That is, having the interest of Jobbers and job providers at heart.
2. MYCROJOBS is the first platform of its kind to be Block chain based, operating a decentralized system while having a secured, trust and transparent platform.
3. As long as Jobbers and job providers keeps getting connected, MYCROJOBS will continue to exist. This is widely because MYCROJOBS help to link users who need jobs, and users who need people to help them with their To-Dos. There must be wide spread, adoption of MYCROJOBS sooner than later.
4. MYCROJOBS will continue to bring employment to the people. Jobbers would also be connecte with those seeking their services (Job providers).


Have you ever asked yourself what and how it takes to have a lot and enough tasks to do without having enough time to carry them out? Time theysay is expensive and golden. This is applicable because, as humans, we can never have enough time in the world to carry out our various tasks. Major reason why majority seek for 4-hands. And sometimes getting these always seem to be difficult to get. MYCROJOBS is here to cover that vacuum. MYCROJOBS does this by:
1. Connecting the right Jobbers with the appropriate jobs.
2. MYCROJOBS would help you as a job provider to connect with jobbers who would do your tasks.
3. With MYCROJOBS, you are guaranteed of quality and affordable services and fees.
4. With MYCROJOBS, you are sure of a trusted and transparent and unbiased system.


Below are the breakdown of the various jobs and services that jobbers can get access to on the MYCROJOBS platform:
They are four (4) in number namely:
1. Home Services
There are various home services jobbers can get access to on the MYCROJOBS platform such as,
* Cooking
* Nanny
* Gardening
Washing and Drying etc.

2. Delivery Service.
There are a lot of delivery services jobbers can acquaint and get paid for completing on the platform such as,
* Driving
* shopping
* Transport Services
* Supplying clients with paid-goods etc.

3. Skilled Services
This is more lucrative than other services on the MYCROJOBS platform. The skilled services entails bits of intelligence, expertise and brillaince to be done. Such services are,
* Tutoring
* Music lessons
* Moral or extra lessons/home
* Photography etc.

4. Virtual Services
This is yet another lucrative service on the MYCROJOBS platform. It has to do with
* Travel planning
* Assistant services
* Internet researches
* In depth analysis and reviews. Etc.

In conclusion, the future of MYCROJOBS is just a bright one. If you are an early adopter, be glad for you have done the best step. You'd be happy with yourself for taken the best decision ever in the future. I hope I have been able to convince you beyond all reasonable doubt why the future of MYCROJOBS seem bright and glow.

Thanks for reading till the end. I'm still your your favorite and seasoned Writer Adaora. I research, review, analyze and invest!

Website: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.mycrojobs.io/download/Mycro-Whitepaper-EN.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5008139.0
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5027348.0
Telegram: https://t.me/mycrojobs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/

Bitcointalk Username: Adaora2323
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2011741;sa=summary

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