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AIGO project overview. Advantages of the project for users.

Official site

I think many of us have long been accustomed to such benefits of civilization as bank cards and related non-cash payments. Personally, I think this relief of humanity is very convenient and relevant in our time, when your every action is trying to optimize as much as possible the time spent on the purchase of any product or service. Personally, it is now extremely difficult for me to imagine modern society, without the same Visa or MasterCard cards. Nevertheless, the structure of all payment cards is still at a very low and unreliable level. You don’t need to go far, it’s just enough to disassemble the entire chain of algorithms that absolutely any bank card performs at the time of your invoice for payment, for any product or service. In addition to the credit or debit card itself, the bank participates in the transaction, an acquiring bank, and other additional payment gateways, which fully control the entire network of centralized exchanges. Thus forming the association of oligopolistic financial market players.

Thus, tying hands in many directions for both private and large legal entities, depriving them of the right to choose and the opportunity to change the system of high fees and other related rules. As a rule, this discrimination is felt especially acutely by traders of large global companies, who very often have to deal with endless centralized networks and pay crazy interest, which often ranges from 3% to 15%. And this I want to tell you is not enough. Especially considering our modern economic system, where every financial intermediary is in a hurry to snatch a piece of tasty cake. To break this vicious circle offers us a new blockchain project, the main goal of which is to design and fully develop the decentralized infrastructure. And this project is called - AIGO. As you have already guessed, a decentralized infrastructure means a new payment network, which will eradicate an infinite number of intermediaries, each of which in fact does not carry too much financial burden. At the same time, the developers of AIGO want to release their network card with the help of which users can participate in various kinds of financial operations, as well as have unprincipled access to any terminals and processing of the provided funds. Moreover, in addition to all this will be its own decentralized platform with all the attendant functions and tools. That in turn will allow to qualitatively change the entire payment industry and eliminate numerous financial traps for all its merchants, customers and traders.

Advantages of the project for users:

The main advantage of AIGO over centralized financial systems is that thanks to AIGO, users will finally be able to exchange their funds and turn them into maternity currency without resorting to additional banking layers, as well as a number of auxiliary financial gateways. That largely saves not only time, but also money for all traders and other AIGO members. At the same time, the founders of AIGO are firmly determined to create a new powerful and robust payment system, calling it AIGOPay. Which actions are not limited to any one country or region, and vice versa will work as quickly and conveniently in all corners of our World. For the convenience and security of all payment transactions, the developers have created their own unique AIPayment architecture, which has its own intellectual contract and all related mechanisms for conducting a full-fledged cryptocurrency transaction. Also, the AIGO platform has its own mobile wallet and a decentralized application, which is already available for download on Android. What I think is not a few important fact, since there is nothing better than an already finished product that can be tested at present.


Without a doubt, the goals of the AIGO developers are quite ambitious and global, nevertheless they are real. Since the project has already managed to achieve minimal developments and present them to us as a tasting. Therefore, the growth and development of the AIGO project can be said not far off. And this means that you have time to get to know him better and to reveal for yourself all his strong qualities. For a full analysis, you naturally will need all the available information resources of the project, the links of which have long been waiting for you below under this article. On this perhaps I have everything and see you again!

The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %

More information can be found here:

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