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5 лет назад

Cobo Wallet project overview. Advantages of the project for users

Official site

Despite the fact that the reliability and security of cryptocurrencies are often referred to as the main advantages of this type of assets, in the entire history of existence there are many cases where digital coins were in the hands of intruders. Any wallet or exchange can become a victim of a hacker attack, hackers are constantly improving their skills, which hinders the development of the entire blockchain industry. According to research, every year thousands of people fall into the trap of phishing and cloned sites, leaving fraudsters more than $ 200 million in digital assets. These funds can not be returned, they are permanently deposited in the pockets of intruders. According to ING Bank NV, approximately 9% of Europeans and 8% of US citizens own a cryptocurrency, and one in four plans to acquire cryptocurrency in the future. The total number of holders of cryptocurrency assets by 2024 may already exceed 200 million. Thus, almost a quarter of a billion potential victims are at risk and may lose all their savings. If you take a step back and analyze the history of hacking hacks, the picture is not at all biased. In general, for some 10 years of cryptocurrency existence, hackers stole more than cash from all banks in the entire history of money was stolen.

The number of hacker attacks has only recently increased, people and exchanges are losing millions of dollars. All this was the reason for the creation of a new cryptocurrency wallet Cobo Wallet, which is able to provide the highest protection for your digital assets. Сobo Wallet belongs to the latest generation of hardware wallets that meet the highest levels of security and reliability, in addition, Cobo Wallet is able to perform a variety of other functions, which makes it one of the most attractive wallets of all that exist today.

Advantages of the project for users:

Cobo Wallet is waterproof and shockproof. Еquipped with the most powerful encryption chip, which is used in the banking sector. Complies with international security protocols; Cobo Wallet has built-in web authentication, which makes it immune to hacker chains. The wallet's case is very difficult to crack mechanically or somehow damage its integrity; if all the same someone can open your wallet, then the Cobo Wallet has a built-in self-destruct function that erases all data and the thief will not receive your funds; It has a TF card and a multi-signature, which makes the wallet 100% secure.


Cobo is a kind of engineering miracle that combines many different functions, creating a single and secure ecosystem. In addition to more than 600 supported cryptocurrency coins, the wallet has the functions of bets, swaps, can replace potfolyo, has a voting system, access to absolutely any dapps, and does not kill the case. I would like you to study the project in more detail. To this end, the official resources of the project are added below. All you need to do is click on these links and get more complete information. Thus, you will have an unlimited amount of information about the Cobo Wallet and a complete picture of all the advantages of this project.

The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %

More information can be found here:

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