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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

CURAIZON - Improving Healthcare, Reducing Costs, Saving Lives

Medicines are our most cost‐efectve health interventon and represent the frst line of defense against chronic and long‐term conditons. Unfortunately, far too many people fail to take their medicatons properly and the resultng personal and fnancial costs are staggering. Despite a worldwide recogniton of the seriousness of the issue (also called drug non‐adherence), there has been no signifcant change for the last 30 years.

  • Worldwide drug non‐adherence results in approximately $700 billion in additonal healthcare costs.
  • Pharmaceutcal companies lose more than $630 billion in revenue annually to patent non‐adherence and the amount lost is increasing by 13% per year.


Curaizon™ is a UK-based company that has developed CuraServe™, a soluton to improve drug adherence and bring game-changing benefts to patents and healthcare providers. Our soluton works with patents, their families and healthcare providers to ensure that patents take their medicatons as prescribed through a series of outreach tools, supported by predictve modeling tools and behavioral analysis, to increase the rate of drug adherence. As our CuraServe™ soluton helps patents, it’s also generatng a vast amount of patent data which is then anonymized and made available through our CuraData™ platorm. Companies, academics and non-profts can access this data by purchasing our CuraTokens™.

Curaizon™ is unique because our CuraServe™ soluton generates the informaton that drives the value of our CuraData™ platorm. We’re not simply ofering another way of storing, sharing or mining data. Our data is the frst-of-its-kind insight into real-tme patent behaviour and adherence. Through our collaboratons with research insttutons, natonal health services and biotech companies, we shall create one of the most powerful and valuable data sources in healthcare. We will become a centre for excellence within the community of healthcare and pharmaceutcal industries. Our data and analytcs will fnally give the health and pharmaceutcal industries the tools they have been looking for to bring about the change patents need. Our value-based approach to a simple, accessible, yet valuable exchange of data and analysis will revolutonise the healthcare landscape. Leveraging our contracts with healthcare providers, we can quickly build an ecosystem of mutually benefcial stakeholders within the value chain.

Healthcare is changing forever and Curaizon™ stands at the cutng edge of this transformaton.


CuraToken™ (“CTKN”) is an EIP-20 Ethereum-based utlity token which can be used to access medical adherence data via Curaizon’s™ CuraData™ platorm. This data is of interest to research insttutons, natonal health services and biotech companies. Blockchain technology will be used to store the patent permissions and ensure transparency and anonymity. Through the smart contracts and embedded API calls, access is given to the underlying big data. Through this technology, CuraToken™ (CTKN) will become a unique soluton to build a win-win-win situaton for token holders, patents and medical insttutons. The data grows over
tme and constantly increases in utlity and consequently value. Our reward program encourages data collaboraton, thus increasing the overall value and atractveness of our data. Our CuraCharity™ platorm donates to worthy causes that are leading the way in research and beter treatment in the healthcare sector.

  • CuraToken Pre-Sale: June 1, 2018 - June 8, 2018
  • CuraToken Public Sale: June 8 2018 – September 8, 2018

Inital CuraToken rate
0.20 USD - 0.20 USD
Depending on tme of purchase
Time is set in UTC zone


More information:


my Bitcointalk username — keazetap
my profile —https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1917744
my ETH wallet — 0xFf512eC972228dA5788e185c168deB962e7c0292

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с May 2018
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