Конкурс! _ Sergey Dvoretsky 'Dreamland Lullaby'. Home Light Show with Spheroid Universe Augmented Reality
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Видео сделано в Мобильном приложении Дополненной реальности Spheroid Universe AR, с помощью которого через свой смартфон можно видеть виртуальную реальность, фотографировать ее, делать селфи и видео - https://itunes.apple.com/ru/app/spheroid-universe-ar/id1317835740?mt=8
Текст конкурсной песни "Dream Lullaby":
Once upon a star
I wished from afar
That you'd come to me soon as I await you
That night while I slept
The star didn't forget
For quick into my dreams I felt you break through
You asked me where I want to go
I said let's fly
We can soar to outer space
Your hand in mine
Like children will play
Across the milky way
We grew so tired and we retreated
Mind back in my head
Head back in my bed Remember what you said it's never goodbye
You smiled and said you had to go
I only sighed
In one breath we sang a Dreamland Lullaby
In Dreamland, tonight, I wait for you.
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Spheroid Universe