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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

🔵CURAIZON🔵 - improving healthcare, reducing cost, saving lives!

The implementation of this idea will be able to solve the real problem - the right medication for patients. Every day, millions of people for various reasons do not take medicines, as prescribed by doctors, and as a result, the cost and quality of treatment and production of medicines increase. Worldwide, non-compliance with the rules of taking medication brings huge losses and amounts to 700 billion dollars. The project CURAIZON will help to significantly reduce these costs.


Curaizon is a decentralized system designed to increase overall well-being for patients, while at the same time reducing the cost of social insurance in the long run. Curaizon has created a program called CuraServe, which gives patients the opportunity to obtain data on their pharmaceutical preparations, as well as their dosage. This project solves a huge real problem by helping patients to take medicine correctly. Each time a patient uses CuraServe technology, the project databases are updated with new useful information and gain more value. In general, the Curaizon ecosystem can be a decentralized registry of doctors, a global electronic system of medical records, giving patients instant access to medical care anywhere in the world, that is, a truly free market for global medical care.
Curaizon will create one of the most powerful and valuable health data sources. Curaizon will become the center of excellence in healthcare and the pharmaceutical industry. The analyzed Curaizon data will provide the ultimate health and the pharmaceutical industry they want to produce must change.
CuraServe is where consumers can use tokens and, in fact, a database of patients for consumers. It was created by the national health services and allows consumers to set up reminders for drugs and can reduce the overall cost of treating them for their condition.
With its data analysis tools, Curaizon is committed to improving the quality and availability of real-time information. Its platform will generate adherence data sets based on anonymous big data, using its technologies to facilitate integrated data integration, collaboration between various players in the healthcare sector, intelligent modeling of the effectiveness of various drugs to increase the effectiveness of clinical trials. His adherence technology will also help improve the understanding of drug efficacy, which is difficult to achieve if the level of commitment is only 50%.

CuraServe technology

This technology helps patients to take medicines in accordance with the prescriptions of the doctor. By doing this, CURAIZON helps patients live longer and healthier. CURAIZON also cuts health care costs that arise when patients do not take their medications properly.
CuraServe technology generates a huge amount of unique data in real time, showing how people take their medicines. This information is very valuable for various groups, such as pharmaceutical companies, medical researchers and biotech companies. CuraTokens provides owners with access tokens access data. Since the CURAIZON platform has been operating for a long time, the THEI database is updated with information that is further used for its intended purpose. The more data is collected in the database, the higher the price of the CuraTokens tokens.
Official review of project:

Token and ICO

The economy of the Curaizon platform will be built around the internal token CuraTokens. CuraToken standard ERC20, based on the network Ethereum. Distribution and transfer of tokens is carried out using the contract CuraToken, which operates on the Ethereum network. The tokens used on the Curaizon website will be called CTKN, and holding these tokens allows users to receive the collected medical data. There is no other way to get access to the details of any medical information, and everything will be placed on the blockchain in real time.
Crowdsale: 8 June 2018 - 31 October 2018
Token: CTKN(ERC20)
Price: 1 CTKN = 0.20 USD
HardCap: 25 000 000 USD
MVP - https://curaizon.com


Source of information


More details about this project can be found on the official website. Where both the road map and the summary of the project's essence are presented, and of course there is a whitepaper where you can see in more detail and deeply immerse yourself in the essence and concept of this project. Also on the official information channels you can receive all the latest information about the development of this project.

|| WebSite || WhitePaper || LightPaper|| Twitter || Facebook || Telegram || YouTube || LinkedIn || Bitcointalk ||


The Curaizon team, absolutely all of its employees work for the good of the company and are always ready to help in any matter. They are always in touch and do not disappear from sight. After all, at the moment when we are talking about ICO projects, this fact is very important.
All prototypes made by the Curaizon development team are publicly available, and now you can familiarize yourself with and try out this system.
The leaders of this project have the greatest experience in running such a business, and Curaizon will certainly succeed.
Curaizon participates in all kinds of crypto, blockchain forums, conclude serious contracts.


And we were happy to help you today, keep an eye on this project and also keep an eye on updates in our blog, our team is working to ensure that you receive only the most recent and relevant ICO. Also we have telegram channel where you can see the express news, ICO reviews, changes in bounty and much more. All the best to you and see you soon.

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