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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

FXXX.io — is a virtual RED LIGHT DISTRICT

I am glad to welcome you again, my dear reader, on my blog. Today, as always, we will consider a promising project, although I have to say that the idea and concept of this project excites my mind. The idea is so concise and ingenious, but more on that later. Now, my dear reader, I present to you a project called FXXX.io(Fantasy Coin).


FXXX concept

Well, perhaps I’ll start with the most interesting thing fxxx.io is a platform for the adult generation. The project team has developed its own city, divided into 19 completely different areas by which you can travel thanks to virtual and augmented reality technologies. The city is based on the “red light strip” philosophy, where every corner, every street, every new window — you will know and see completely new fantasies. You can easily choose any of them and embody yourself in them, make fantasy your own reality.


It doesn’t matter at all whether you are a boy or a girl, you can find your own fantasy for yourself. You can visit Mars and explore the beautiful red light districts that exist in your mind, you can find the very desire that has long been within you. Perhaps this is a dream where a star competes for the right to have you, to make it your desire to satisfy your needs. It can be completely insane and secret fantasies, which sometimes even you yourself admit to yourself. Thanks to this magical place, you can open yourself, know your desires and needs. FXXX.io opens for you a new world and new opportunities. You just need to have enough Fantasy Coin to stay in your own “secret room”, as soon as the Fantasy Coin ends — access is closed and you need to earn more.


Well, I think you have quite a fair question — where do you earn these coins? — Now we will understand.
Users can earn FANTASY ’s in the form of remuneration for viewing erotic content provided by various companies, brands, which will by all means try to lure you into their zone. You can look at billboards and store signs, launch content and earn money while you watch. Earn enough and return to your FANTASY zone.
I think from the user’s point of view, everything became clear. Let’s talk about the principle of operation.

The audience is immersed in free content and receives a deferment for the actual time spent. This is calculated per second using the “glance” mechanism — that is, viewers launch / immerse themselves in content, just by looking. This model provides a new and seamless experience in virtual augmented reality. But what this model does for adult stars really changes the game. If earlier it was necessary to have sex about 5 times to get a quality porn movie at the exit, now one will be enough and it will be used several times. This means that the money received from this film will increase many times. The body of the actor can be involved again and again, making money, but the actor himself can sleep. In fact, for a porn actor, this is passive income.
The land sale creates a new blockchain-driven model for financing games by selling a finite amount of virtual real estate inside the game to investors. Investors then earn ‘gaze’ (engagement) based rewards from viewer/player engagement occurring on their property — allowing property in high traffic areas to become valuable. Property owners may also use an ERC721 ‘rent’ token tied to their property to gain a trackable share of revenues earned by tenants. I think it is necessary to stop here and see in more detail.
Owners of land, billboards or other real estate in high-traffic areas will receive revenues corresponding to the engagement occurring on the real estate (i.e. a viewer/player watching an ad). In the case of VR or WebGL games, Fantasy Coin uses eye tracking to reward players for simply looking (gaze triggering content).

Token FXXX


Symbol: FXXX
Price: 1 FXXX = 0.1 $
HardCap: 10 000 000 $

Budget Allocation AR / VR Platform 30%
Administration 10%
Content Acquisition 20%
Marketing 20%
Contractors 15%
Contingency 5%

Sources of information

More information about the project you can find on the official website. In this project there is also a white paper in which you can immerse yourself in more detail and deeply into the concept of this project. You can get all the latest information on the development of this project.

| Website || Whitepaper || Facebook || Twitter || LinkedIn || Instagram || Medium |


The idea of the project is the best of those platforms for adults that I have ever met or seen. Very cool economy and thematic focus of the platform. So watch out for this project so as not to miss anything. I think this is the best adult entertainment project.


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