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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Hello friend. If you are interested in joining the ALIGATOCOIN project, there are views that will help you find information that you can use when viewing their mission above ALIGATOCOIN:

E-commerce has changed the dynamics of global retail sales. In our time, online shopping is the easiest way to buy any product you've ever thought of. From a children's swimming pool to a three-story cupboard or bestseller, everything is available online. You should just go to your application or go to the site, select your product, make a payment, and then wait for delivery. It can take several days, and maybe weeks or sometimes months, but I hope sooner or later the product will reach the hands of the owner. And in fact it's not their fault, because delivery is a relatively very large market, which needs an even greater logistics system. The market seems to be moving in the right direction, but the problem of trust and transparency remains unresolved in the industry.

AligatoCoin's strategic goal is to achieve a strong and stable position in the global e-commerce market, providing quality offers, compatibility with artificial intelligence, effective marketing services and all this under the management of the best skills of the team.

Using the functionality of blockchain technology, AligatoCoin takes the economy of e-commerce into a whole new world with a decentralized database, where the block of blocks along with intellectual contracts increases security and maximum transparency. This project, version 2.0, is an improvement or expansion of the existing trading platform (Aligato.pl), which exists since 2016.

Artificial intelligence in e-commerce is worthy of revolutionizing the industry. Such integration allowed to collect and analyze data in real time. This improvement gives all users access to minimizing the time spent searching for the searched item, by adjusting search algorithms, optimizing complaints processes or technical support.

AligatoCoin also introduced unmanned aerial vehicles, which will allow for smaller shipments at shorter distances. Commercial unmanned aerial vehicle is suitable for reducing the time for the delivery of small loads. The system will work delivering goods not more than 100 kilograms to the customer's door.

The Eye Pay system will become one of the most innovative technological aspects of the AligatoCoin project. The system will allow the approval of transactions by scanning the iris of the eye. PvE technology will use the correct algorithms from existing devices, creating its own scanner to run PvE as one of the available payment methods on the platform.

For more information, please visit:
Website: https://aligatocoin.io/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3288216.0
Whitepaper: https://aligatocoin.io/whitepaper/aligatocoin-whitepaper-en .pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/aligatocoin_io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aligatocoin.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/aligatocoin

Author : Bitcoin demon

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