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Такой же вопрос. Задал им и получил ответ. Кто нибудь переведите мне, что это значит:

With the 'Import external wallet' tool, users can import (sweep) coins by using their backup seeds/phrases from BIP44 compliant wallets.
If you are unsure if your wallet is supported, ask the wallet service you are using.

In the Settings of your BCC or BTC wallet, you can import another wallet by providing the BIP39 backup mnemonic phrase.

Please Note: BTC that has been sent to the external wallet after the hard fork at block #478559 does not result in an additional BCC balance in your external wallet.

Consider as an additional security measure:
Send your BTC in your external wallet to another wallet before starting the import of your BCC.

Other wallet phrases or keys, if not explicitly stated, are not supported currently.
If there is enough interest, we consider adding a paper wallet and private key option.

Also make sure to check out our very latest block post on how to recover Bitcoin Cash stuck in other wallets:

With the 'Import external wallet' tool, users can import (sweep) coins by using their backup seeds/phrases from BIP44 compliant wallets.
If you are unsure if your wallet is supported, ask the wallet service you are using.

In the Settings of your BCC or BTC wallet, you can import another wallet by providing the BIP39 backup mnemonic phrase.

Please Note: BTC that has been sent to the external wallet after the hard fork at block #478559 does not result in an additional BCC balance in your external wallet.

Consider as an additional security measure:
Send your BTC in your external wallet to another wallet before starting the import of your BCC.

Other wallet phrases or keys, if not explicitly stated, are not supported currently.
If there is enough interest, we consider adding a paper wallet and private key option.

Also make sure to check out our very latest block post on how to recover Bitcoin Cash stuck in other wallets:

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