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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



Modern economic science proceeds from the fact that in any country it is impossible to provide absolute employment. Sub-employment is understood as socially useful activity of people connected with satisfaction of personal and social needs and bringing them, as a rule, earnings (income). The economically active part of the population belongs to the employed.

In Western countries, according to the UN recommendation, the economically active population includes not only the actually employed persons, but also the unemployed looking for paid work. The term "economically active population" in Western countries is not statistically strictly defined. In domestic statistics the economically active population includes:

  1. all able-bodied population in working age minus students with separation from production, serving in the armed forces, employed in the household;

  2. persons outside the working age, but employed in the economy;

  3. persons engaged in personal subsidiary economy.

There are a number of factors that do not allow to employ the entire working population. Therefore, absolute employment appears only as a trend.

The causes of unemployment are diverse.

First, the current level of development of the productive forces is such that many industries are seasonal: agriculture, construction, etc. This leads to a corresponding decline in production in the off-season period and a reduction in employment in these industries.

Secondly, structural changes in the economy, expressed in the fact that the introduction of new technologies, equipment leads to a reduction in the needs of production in the labor force.

Third, an economic downturn or depression that forces the employer to reduce the need for all resources, including labor.

Fourth, absolute employment is impossible because of the imbalance in the development of individual enterprises and industries. In this regard, the market economy is developing unevenly, which leads to a disproportion between the number of job applicants and the availability of the corresponding number of jobs.


Fifthly, in any country there is a certain part of the population, which due to various reasons resigns voluntarily from this enterprise and is looking for work at other enterprises in other regions.

Finally, in any country there is always a certain proportion of people of working age who do not want to work.

In this regard, modern economists believe that absolute employment is impossible, but a properly functioning market economy can provide full effective employment.
If you find it difficult to find a job or you need a part time job the best solution is to participate in the project from the company TLS Group

TLS Group is a leading provider of cryptocurrency management and portfolio management solutions in the clean energy segment.

TLS Group is a revolutionary company in the field of cryptocurrency mining using Green Energy and
money management algorithms.

The investment objective of the TLS program is to achieve stable, accelerated growth
client capital-achieved through professional investment in
the most promising, highly profitable and relatively quickly implemented Projects –
creating a data center capable of generating sustainable, increased profits by
hybrid control system.
The investment Manager of the TLS program, D. O. O. TLS, is seeking
implementation of the investment objective of this program by investing investors in
the above data center Project only when the required amount is reached for
implementation of 100% of the project.Investment conditions
The main form of investment in the D. O. O. TLS program is acquisition
class AAA or AA+ Eurobonds through Deutsche Bank, where the beneficiary
there will be an investor. Then the total amount of investment funds required is formed
for project.
Once the funds are raised in full, investors receive a coupon
the yield with which D. O. O. TLS carries out the construction of the submitted project
ATTENTION! The body of the investment is with the Investor!
The construction of the data center is carried out at the expense of coupon yield.
• The age of the investor is 18 years of age

  • The minimum contract amount for the purchase of Eurobonds is $100,000
    • minimum contract term of 49 months
  • Paperwork within 20 working days at the D. O. O. TLS office,
    • Reporting on a quarterly basis
  • The contract is inherited
    You can calculate the profitability of the TLS Group data center using the calculator on the website https://tlsgroup.io/
    Also for maximum income there is an opportunity to buy tokens with excellent bonuses

Bonus program
Bonuses are given additionally for large purchases of tokens.
1000-10000 TLS 3%
10000-15000 TLS 5%
15000-25000 TLS 7%
25000-50000 TLS 10%
50000-10000 TLS 15%
100000-1000000 TLS 20%
In totality 2 billion TLS tokens will be issued out of which 200,000 tokens will be reserved for the team and the founders. 12% of the amount received through the token sale will be
spent on Research and Development. The remaining 88% of thetokens will be invested in the different investment avenues as discussed earlier. The allocation mechanism will depend on the asset research done by our highly qualified and experienced research team. The tokens will be backed by a right to receive a share from the 40% of the dividends allocated on a pro rata basis.
More info in:

✅Telegram: https://t.me/tlstoken
✅Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tlstoken/
✅Twitter: https://twitter.com/TLSGroup1


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