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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

Forest running - “Salomon Winter Cross”

In 2019, I wanted to start my exciting ride with interesting and exciting rallies. As soon as I began to choose the first run, I liked the "wild north way": everything pointed out what would be interesting, so it was perfectly suited for the launch of a new jogging season. But Sergei Popov decided to make a pleasant surprise to the runners by organizing "Salomon Winter Cross" a day before the launch of the "Wild North Way". I really enjoyed this gift, because it allowed me to take part in two beautiful races for the weekend. Therefore, it was burning with a desire to test their forces in these races. Salomon Winter Cross had a limit on the number of participants (in both distances of 3 and 12 km only 220 people could take part), so I quickly registered. Not very much I wanted to run in January, but in order to prepare a bit for the race, I still drove myself to 15 training sessions. You will agree, how not to be disturbed here, and without training there was not to be touched. So, let's move on to the first run, namely the "Salomon Winter Cross".

Registration and route:

Registration for the race took place on the site vseprobegi.org. On the run, two distances of 3 and 12 km were available, I chose 12 km for myself. The route is 3 km. the race consisted of one circle, and the 12-kilometer run consisted of two circles of 6 km. every one It was possible to pick up your starting number, both in the day and a few hours before the start of the race. Whatever the delay of getting the start number the last moment, I took it a day before the start.

Running through the forest

Morning of the Sabbath was a good weather for the run. At the place of the event, I arrived at 9, where organizational activities were still taking place: the starting town was deployed, the participants received their numbers, and so on. I decided to enjoy the vineyard forest a bit and set my first race in the new 2019 year. The start was separate for 3 km. and 12 km .. At first 12 km began, and then a few minutes after they started the race for 3 km .. All participants 12 km strongly began at 10:10. As I already said, the route 12 km was two circles of 6 km. On the territory of the forest, sometimes there were descents and ascents. The whole way we ran along the gravel paths covered with snow. The first circle was pretty fast enough - I spent 35 minutes on it, which was not bad enough.

The route was very well marked, volunteers were standing at all corners, but it was difficult to get lost. But I still tried: at 7 km I did not notice a turn and ran myself straight. Running forward about 100-150 meters, I was stopped by the volunteer and sent to the right side, but I did not succeed in making my way. Next, I included all my vigilance and watched closely the way the route runs.
At 1 hour 12 minutes, I finished, feeling a bit exhausted.

After the finish

Although the distance was not great, but the first one in the season was quite interesting. At the end of the race, we waited for exciting lotteries, fruit junkies, delicious swim and warm tea. The race was fairly well organized, it was immediately apparent that it was organized by professionals in this business. Therefore, he left behind such very good impressions.

Source: androshchuk.com/salomon-win-cross/

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