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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Our approach is based on internal analysis and user opinion surveys from over a dozen
countries. The project came about not from the theoretical sophistication of an idea, but
from the practical application of an innovative solution to a market segment currently
dominated by the big players not able to respond as promptly to.

The project is focusing on the large and dynamic secure mobile communication and
transaction market.

It creates value for the end consumer through:

-High-tech solutions for all at affordable prices;

-An economic approach with social content;

-Allowing customers to participate in the business through a decentralized
distribution and marketing model;

-Promoting local production centers, avoiding cost overruns associated to tariffs
that penalize the lower purchasing power of certain regions (Latin America).

The initiative is led by a multidisciplinary and international team with ample experience
in business project management.

It is based on a state-of-the-art technology that is largely operational or in its final stages
of development.

To protect the security and privacy of its customers and affiliates, the commissioning
of WINGS DATA, a powerful data center located in the Republic of San Marino, is another
hallmark of WINGS MOBILE ecosystem.


WINGS MOBILE is a mobile network operator, a software developer and, and since 2017 a
producer of electronic products. Thanks to these three business directions, combined with
a sophisticated leadership, it perfectly links the current needs of everyday electronic device
users with technological innovation, providing high-tech solutions and unique products in the

Since its foundation in 2007 until 2016, it has been competing in the wholesale Business-ToBusiness
(B2B) market, offering its services to the main telecommunications operators such
as Ono (nowadays Vodafone), Jazztel (Orange), Tata, Belgacom, and many others.

In 2017, the organization decided to enter the retail market, directly distributing its services
and products to the end customer and created its own distribution system. This possesses an
enormous challenge for a little-known brand, in a market that traditionally is controlled by the
large-scale distributors that are preferring well-known and in-demand brands.

Among the recipients of the Alci Awards 2017 edition, were included the King Emeritus of
Spain, D. Juan Carlos I de Borbón, who received the ALCI Honor award; the Real Madrid Soccer
Club, honored with the ALCI Architectural Design award for the design of the new Santiago
Bernabéu stadium.

Other winners included Cristiano Ronaldo (he received the ALCI SXXI icon), Enrique Iglesias
(ALCI Music award), La Union (Vintage Music), the Spanish Swimming Federation (Atrévete
Program), Pedro Pablo Parrado (Communicator), Agatha Ruiz de the Prada (Fashion). Baroness
Thyssen (Art), Patricia Rosales (Luxury Design) and Lorena Morlote (Beauty).

WINGS MOBILE received the award for best Technological Design, due to its state-of-the-art


WINGS MOBILE is a mobile network operator, a software developer and, and since 2017 a producer of electronic products. Thanks to these three business directions, combined with sophisticated leadership, it perfectly links the current needs of everyday electronic device users with technological innovation, providing high-tech solutions and unique products in the world.


WINGS MOBILE – A virtual mobile network operator in Spain, with highly competitive packages both in call services (national calls, international calls – avoiding the extra costs of roaming in over 60 countries) and data.
WINGS ENERGY – Energy retail service provider, offering electricity and natural gas supply services to companies and individuals.
Privacy – monitoring of their phone conversations

The possibility that their phone conversations are intervened by third parties is increasingly likely. With the introduction of end-to-end encryption, used by instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp, Messenger, and Telegram, users are supposedly protected by encryption, because encryption makes the messages illegible by hackers.

The end-to-end encryption (sometimes abbreviated as e2e) was created to specifically to provide protection against attacks by hackers who in order to steal information and personal data, attempt to “intercept” communications between two or more users. As it is made evident from the name (“man in the middle”), the attacker is placed in the middle, between the transmitter and the receiver. In doing so, the messages sent by the sender end up in the hands of the hackers before reaching its destination. The attacker can store the information collected and use it as he wishes.

Unfair price – economics of centralized production

WINGS MOBILE has always been very sensitive to inequality and socioeconomic differences between countries. The manufacturing of consumer electronic products (smartphones, PCs, etc.) is very much carried out by certain economies in Southeast Asia, and most of all by the “great Chinese factories”. The latter has triggered a number of conflicts, such as those arising from imposing high tariffs, which ultimately ends up affecting the price of imports in many countries, especially in developing countries.

This logic of defense of the national market attempts to artificially rebalance the trade balance, the import and export relationship of developing countries. However, it rather limits and impoverishes the end consumer, which is forced to pay for the same product even 100% more compared to the consumer of a nation that produced the product.

ICO details

Token: BWN

Type: Utility

PreICO: 1BWN = 0.1 USD

Price: 1BWN = 0.2 USD

Platform: Ethereum

Accepting: BTC, ETH, Fiat

Minimum Investment: 455 USD

Soft Cap: 3,000,000 USD

Hard Cap: 30,000,000 USD

Country: Malta

Restricted Areas: USA, Canada

Public Sale Phase 1: 24 million BWN are sold with 25% bonus on the official issue value.

Public Sale Phase 2: 30 million BWN are sold with 15% bonus on the official issue value.

Public sale Phase 3: 45 million BWN are sold with 5% bonus on the official issue value.

Public Sale Phase 4: 60 million BWN are sold with 0% bonus on the official issue value.




Website: https://bitwings.org/

Whitepaper: https://bitwings.org/file/white-paper-2019-en.pdf

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitwingsteam/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bitwings.org

Telegram english: https://t.me/bitwings_eng

Medium: https://medium.com/@bitwings

My profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1862312
My Eth Address: 0xF07e50bA855AAdB23F425A1Ce636Ecfc26e8a68E

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